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me mates clio was white with no bonnet vent or badboy, n the escort was the auto tint designs black escort, done to what i want mine to be like :D the outlines are a lil rough but hey i like it 8)



i do like the badboys with the morrettes, i was considering that with my mk5b, but the overall shape of the front, i dont think it would go
Escort looks ok, but the Clio looks like it should have been given an Abortion before it was born................
really needs some side skirts on the clio, and a proper bonnet vent :rolleyes: nothing wrong with it, unless u dont like clios heero?
i like the colour of it :cheers:

i had a sneak preview of the scort

like it, i prefered it black but then i am a black freak :thumb:

you wanna wash them mate.....then you'll just be a freak :D

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