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Pelles or anyone basically


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im new to this board and just read a post u sent like last year about you wanting to change your mk6 bubble light tailgate to that of the mk5 lights, (the square flat ones), i am gettin a mk5 escort, the later version with bubble lights, i was wondering if you have successfully managed to swap the tailgate/lights and possibly bumper to that of the mk5 escort. Coz i really need to know if its possible to do easily. PLEASE HELP! :thumb:
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Right so that means you getting the mk5b Escort with the two piece rear lights?


You would save a HUGE amount of time money and effert if you just bought the mk5a Escort, other wise its.


Two sets of rear lights...

A new boot

A new rear boot window

Apprpotrate wiring (fog light wiring is compeltly different!)

Not to menction the bodyshop altering the rear panels at the back so they sit flush.......


= £ more than the car will be worth.......


Buy a 1994 Mk5a Escort if you want square lights (cossie style), and get a decent specification on, pay a bit more and save yourself a large chunk of money in the long run!

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I see what your sayin, the trouble is whenever i look in the fridayad or autotrader there are never any 3dr 1.6/1.8 escorts, there all bloody 5 door, and seeing as im doin a cossie replica 5 door aint any good. There seems to be more mk 5 b's that are 1.6/1.8 3 doors, never the less in reply to what u said, i could quite easily get a tailgate which would include the glass from a scrappy for £60 plus the lights for £30, i am good at electronics and so i could wire up my own wiring to the lights no problem, that only leaves the problem with the rear panels not sitting flush, i dont know what u mean, what wouldnt be flush with what?????, i am gettin a mk5 bumper if thats what u mean? Are u reasonably sure that it is possible to swap the tailgate/lights from mk5b onto a mk5a model? thanks for your help so far much appreciated :cheers:
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i dont think it were me who wanted to change the rear lights mate?


i am changing them, but its a secret just now, and probably wont be done for a wee while yet, but the lights dont come off a ford :D



the first section of the mk5 lights would fit in, but imo there too square for the mk6 bootlid if you recognise the bootlid is kinda slightly curved to the straight mk5. so the lights aint going to keep the shape of your boot which will look a bit odd, then you have the fog light unit to consider, that can't be replaced, can only be smoothed out like sime has done.


if u want a mk5 boot mate, your better getting a mk5, the mk5b is basicially a mk5 with a mk6 boot, so basicially your going backwards from what ford done and want to give the mk5b the mk5 tailgate?


your best getting a wee mk6 escort mate, there alot better, i did regret getting the mk5b at first....but least im turning the ugly version that no one likes into a car that people will like :)

Edited by Pelles
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i cant make a mk6 look like a cossie, and in my opinion, no offence to anyone with mk6's, but i think the mk6 looks to smiley at the front, and i dont like the bubble lights. I am going to do a cossie replica, basically now from what you two have said i can put the mk 5 a tailgate n lights on a mk 5 b, but u say i gotta do sommin with a fog light unit which i dont quite get?
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but if i was to change from the mk5b tailgate and lights to the mk5 a tailgate and lights i wudnt have to worry about smoothin out any fog lights as the fog lights on the mk5 a arnt on the boot, there on the rear wing. Which means, correct me if im wrong, i can get a mk5 b get mkv a rear lights AND tailgate wack them straight on, wire up the lights to suit and im sorted.
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no no mate...


think ure picking me up a bit wrong, im saying if you want to put Mk5 lights on the mk5b then you can, but the mk5b foglight unit will still be there!


if you want a cosworth replica mate, your best with the mk5, as still the mk5 lights in the mk5b will still look slightly out of shape as the mk5b's boot is curved, these lights are completely flat, so it may look outa place if you know what i mean.


IF you want the mk5b with the cossie kit i say then your best just going with the afterburner rear lights.

Edited by Pelles
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the fog light units are on the mk5 b tailgate right, so if i was to put the mk 5 a tailgate on instead then a) the boot would line up with the mk v a rear lights and b) it wouldnt have the fog light units as the mk 5 a's never had fog light units on the actual tailgate itself, do u get me?

i think then you will have some trouble with the rear 1/4 panel? as part of the 1/4 panel at the rear as a curved figure to go with the tailgate if you know what i mean, its alot of hassle mate, if you did get it to fit right, then yep, the lights will line up, but if your going to this trouble to make a mk5b to look like a mk5, i dont see why you dont just buy the mk5? lol


only real big diffrence is the front bonnet

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i guess i'll hav to look for som mk5 a's that are 1.6/1.8 3 door but there seems to be none about at all, so irritating, otherwise if i cant find any mk5 a 3 doors soon i will get a mk5b and flush the tailgate like sime. Thing is do u know how what he's done is road legal, as surely you have to have fog lights, coz he would get an MOT fail and booked by the L.A.P.D. :O
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its a fail mate!


i think sime rigs up a temp fog light, it doesn't matter how the foglights on, as long as its got one for its mot, even if you put a caravan one on, it will pass...so you just take it off after the mot again...but you may get 21 day tickets, so you just go over the process again.


you said you where good with wiring?


then you could construct your own, get the mk6 rear brake light thats in the window, and wire that up as a fog light, i dont know the implications of this, i know you'd need the stronger bulb, but im more talking about the material used that the bulb shines thru

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ofcourse i could just construct my own and mount it behind the window, coz i think if i was to rewire the 3rd brake light it may fail its MOT coz thats supposed to be a brake light, but i could certianly wire up/construct my own fogs and place them behind the window, i take it its oright to place a fog light behind the window, could just put it at the bottom of the glass instead of the top or sommin. Great idea! Cheers for your help mate! :thumb:
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i also forgot to mention, if you do change the mk5b rear lights to the mk5a you will still have an added problem, if you look on my sig you can see a the line that runs the length of the car from the rear lights to the front wing, this structure is also on the mk5b tail lights, so if you put the mk5a tail lights on, you would see the back of the lights.


its little things like those that can ruin the appearance...

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