gti zetec Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 Please Be Extremely Careful Especially if using internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail and so on. This information arrived this morning, from Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who accesses the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless email with a Power Point presentation "Life is beautiful.pps". IF you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it immediately. If you open this file, a message will appear on your screen saying: "It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful"; and, subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC and the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail, password, and any personal information you have stored. This is a new virus Which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon? WE NEED TO DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO STOP THIS VIRUS. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and NO antivirus software is capable of detecting it, much less destroying it. The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself "life owner" MAKE A COPY OF THIS EMAIL and send TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS. I'd rather receive THIS warning a dozen times than risk this nasty, undetectable, destructive virus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikey16v Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 well played mate. nice one!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
F1ACK Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 bollox if you ask me, completely fake hoax IMO. The message starts by naming AOL and Yahoo, for no reason, other than to get people who use them to pay attention. It uses big names like microsoft and norton to make it sound serious, no date is given so its probably been cirulating around for years Tells you the name of the virus creator, WHY??? AOL has confirmed the serverity see above! No virus killer can stop it I could go on all day. As a rule don't open files you don't know where they are from but as for this specific email it has been created purely to clog up email servers and to scare people Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jordan Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 What I was thinkin F1ACk, couldnt be arsed to say it tho Jordan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gti zetec Posted June 12, 2003 Author Share Posted June 12, 2003 do apologise , only trying to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waxmonkey Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 do apologise , only trying to help. see what you've done now Flack?!?! you've upset someone. ooh, I hope you can sleep at night, you, you, you, you ratbag. Mr. Zetec, I take your email dooby doo very seriously and will always look out for it. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jordan Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 do apologise , only trying to help. What do you have to apologise about? (Btw, not one word of F1ACK or my reply could be considered as an a ttack on you. It was an attack on the hoax virus if anything ) Jordan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dansGTI Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 do apologise , only trying to help. a couple of you can now apologise to him. I know sum1 who got the e-mail and it did exactly wot it was supposed to do, F**k your PC! so, if you do get it, think again before opening it! please! ok? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
F1ACK Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 Not trying to upset anyone but to put this matter to bed so to speak, here is a report written back in 2002 which shows how long this hoax email has been going around *****************************************************Life is Beautiful virus This hoax alert warns everyone to look out for emails with an attachment called "Life is Beautiful.PPS". According to the hoax, if you click on the attachment, your computer will be infected with a dangerous computer virus. Like most virus hoaxes, it claims antivirus firms "are not capable of destroying it" and it urges you to "make a copy of this email to all your friends." The hoax bolsters its claims by insisting the supposed virus writer "aims to destroying domestic PCs and who also fights Microsoft in court! That's why it comes disguised with extension pps. He fights in court for the Windows-XP patent." Variants of this hoax appear in different languages. Vmyths believes this hoax originated in another language, and we assume well-meaning users translated the hoax alert as a (misguided) public service. (The statement "make a copy of this email to all your friends" almost certainly derived from a poor English translation.) --08/17/02 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waxmonkey Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 but life is beautiful. Peter Stringfellow would agree. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
F1ACK Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 the various languages it was sent in This hoax was first circulated in Portuguese. English, French, Italian and German versions have also been recorded. EnglishURGENT! VIRUS! This information arrived this morning, from Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who accesses the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless email with a PowerPoint presentation called "Life is beautiful.pps."If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it immediately. If you open this file, a message will appear on your screen saying: "It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful", subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC and the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, email and password.This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. WE NEED TO DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO STOP THIS VIRUS.UOL has already confirmed its dangerousness, and the antivirus Softs are not capable of destroying it. The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself "life owner", and who aims to destroying domestic PCs and who also fights Microsoft in court!That's why it comes disguised with extension pps. He fights in court for the Windows-XP patent. MAKE A COPY OF THIS EMAIL TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS. ChineseThis is an illustration of the Chinese version FrenchATTENTION !!!Il y a un nouveau virus dans le réseau. L'informationvient de Microsoft et Norton. S'il vous plaît, transmettez à tous vos contacts. Vous pouvez recevoir un mail avec la présentation Power Point, intitulé : "La vie est belle.pps" ou "Life is beautiful.pps". Si vous le recevez NE L'OUVREZ PAS !! SUPPRIMEZ LE AU PLUS VITE. Si vous l'ouvrez, il apparaîtra sur votre écran un message : "maintenant il est tard, votre vie n'est plus belle". VOUS PERDREZ AUSSITÔT TOUT CE QUE VOUS AVEZ DANS VOTRE ORDINATEUR et la personne qui vous a envoyé ce mail aura accès à votre nom, e-mail et mot de passe. Il s'agit d'un nouveau virus qui a commencé à circuler samedi après-midi. NOUS DEVONS FAIRE NOTRE POSSIBLE POUR LE STOPPER. AOL en a déjà confirmé la dangerosité et les anti-virus ne sont pas capables de le détruire. Le virus a été créé par un hacker qui se prétend le maître du monde et souhaite détruire les PC domestiques. Il est en procès contre Microsoft pour la licence Windows XP. ENVOYEZ CE MAIL A TOUS VOS CONTACTSMerci GermanViruswarnung Die Information kommt von Microsoft und Norton. Bitte an alle Kontaktpersonen weiterleiten. Ihr könntet ein Mail mit einer Power Point Präsentation erhalten, welche mit "La vita è bella.pps" oder "Life is beautiful.pps" betitelt ist. Wenn Ihr es kriegt - NICHT OEFFNEN ! SONDERN SOFORT LOESCHEN !! Wenn Ihr es doch öffnet, erscheint die Mitteilung "Adesso è tardi, la vostra vita nonè più bella" oder "Now it's too late, your life is not beautiful anymore". Ihr verliert unverzüglich den gesamten Inhalt des PCs und der Absender hat Zugang zu Adresse, E-mail und Passwort. Es handelt sich um einen neuen Virus, der seit Samstag Nachmittag im Umlauf ist. Wir müssen the Mögliche unternehmen, um diesen Virus zu stoppen. AOL hat seine Gefährlichkeit bereits bestätigt und die Antivirus-Software ist noch nicht in der Lage, ihn zu zerstören. Der Virus wurde von einem Hacker programmiert, der sich "Herr des Lebens" nennt (das muss aber nicht zwingend der Absender sein) und der sich vorgenommen hat, alle PCs zu zerstören. Angeblich befindet sich dieser Psychopath in einem Rechtsstreit mit Microsoft über das Patent zu Windows XP. ItalianATTENZIONE!!! C'è UN NUOVO VIRUS nella rete. L'info viene the Microsoft e Norton. Per favore trasmettetela a tutti i vostri contatti. Potete ricevere una mail con na presentazione Power Point, intitolata "La vita è bella, pps" o "Life is beautiful, pps". Se la ricevete NON APRITELA!!!! CANCELLATELA AL PIU PRESTO!!!Se l'aprite, apparirà sul vostro monitor un messaggio: "Adesso è tardi, la vostra vita non è più bella" SUBITO PERDERETE TUTTO QUELLO CHE AVETE NEL VOSTRO PC la persona che ve l'ha inviata avrà accesso al vostro nome, e-mail e pasword. Si tratta di un nuovo virus che ha incominciatocircolare sabato pomeriggio.DOBBIAMO FARE IL POSSIBILE PER FERMARE QUEL VIRUS.La AOL ne ha già confermato la pericolosità e i Soft antivirus non sono capaci di distruggerlo. Il virus è stato creato the un hacker che si autonomina il padrone della vita e pretende distruggere i pc domestici. E' in lotta legale contro la Microsoft per la patente Windows XP. MANDA QUESTA MAIL A TUTTI I TUOI CONTATTI !!!!! Portuguese: URGENTE! VÍRUS! Essa informação veio the Microsoft, e the Norton hoje pela manhã. Por favor, transmita-a para qualquer pessoa que você conhece e acessa a Internet.Você pode receber e-mail de uma apresentação do Powerpoint aparentemente inofensivo, intitulado "A Vida é bela.pps". Se você recebê-lo NÃO ABRA O ARQUIVO SOB NENHUMA CIRCUNSTÂNCIA e delete-o imediatamente.Se você abrir esse arquivo aparecerá a mensagem em seu monitor "Agora é tarde a sua vida não é mais bela" em seguida PERDERÁ TUDO QUE TIVER EM SEU PC e a pessoa que o enviou terá acesso ao seu nome, e-mail e password. Trata-se de um novo vírus que começou a circular sábado pela tarde.PRECISAMOS FAZER TUDO QUE FOR POSSÍVEL PARA DETER ESSE VÍRUS.A UOL já confirmou sua periculosidade e os Softs antivírus não estão aptos a destruí-lo. O Vírus foi criado por um hacker que se auto denomina de o dono the vida e tem em mente destruir pcs domésticos e luta contra a Microsoft na justiça! Por isso ele vem disfarçado com a extensão pps. Ele briga na justiça pela patente do Windows-XP COPIE ESTE E-MAIL PARA TODOS OS SEUS AMIGOS Spanish VIRUS ULTRA PELIGROSO - FORMATO .PPS - ¡¡¡ATENCIÓN!!! Hay un nuevo virus en el área!!!! La información viene de Microsoft y de Norton. Por favor, transmitirla a cualquier persona con acceso a Internet.. Usted puede recibir un mail en una presentación de Powerpoint aparentemente inofensiva, titulado "La vida es bella.pps"Si usted lo recibe NO ABRA EL ARCHIVO BAJO NINGUNA CIRCUNSTANCIA y bórrelo inmediatamente. Si usted abre ese archivo aparecerá en su monitor un mensaje: "Ahora es tarde, su vida no es más bella", enseguida PERDERÁ TODO LO QUE TENGA EN SU PC y la persona que lo envió tendrá acceso a su nombre, e-mail y password. Se trata de un nuevo virus que comenzó a circular el sábado por la tarde.NECESITAMOS HACER TODO LO POSIBLE PARA DETENER ESE VIRUS. La UOL ya confirmó su peligrosidad y los Softs antivirus no están aptos para destruirlo. COPIE ESTE MAIL PARA TODOS SUS AMIGOS RECUERDA: SI LO ENVÍAS A TUS AMIGOS, NOS BENEFICIAS A TODOS. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
F1ACK Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 and finally a statment released from symantec Symantec Security Response encourages you to ignore any messages regarding this hoax. It is harmless and is intended only to cause unwarranted concern. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Waxmonkey Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 fair enough, cheers Flakkers. but cheers to gti zetec who bought this virus type thing to our attention. best to be safe than sorry boyos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dansGTI Posted June 12, 2003 Share Posted June 12, 2003 Not trying to upset anyone but to put this matter to bed so to speak, here is a report written back in 2002 which shows how long this hoax email has been going around *****************************************************Life is Beautiful virus This hoax alert warns everyone to look out for emails with an attachment called "Life is Beautiful.PPS". According to the hoax, if you click on the attachment, your computer will be infected with a dangerous computer virus. Like most virus hoaxes, it claims antivirus firms "are not capable of destroying it" and it urges you to "make a copy of this email to all your friends." The hoax bolsters its claims by insisting the supposed virus writer "aims to destroying domestic PCs and who also fights Microsoft in court! That's why it comes disguised with extension pps. He fights in court for the Windows-XP patent." Variants of this hoax appear in different languages. Vmyths believes this hoax originated in another language, and we assume well-meaning users translated the hoax alert as a (misguided) public service. (The statement "make a copy of this email to all your friends" almost certainly derived from a poor English translation.) --08/17/02 i aint arguin, i just heard that my mates computer went tits up and then i saw this virus. soz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MILLSYS GTi Posted June 13, 2003 Share Posted June 13, 2003 Ding Ding......................Round 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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