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way hey just got a new job for the...


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for the past three years ive been a roofer (labourer) to pay for my mods, but now im workin at Ancaster Karting, (which some of you in the lincolnshire area may of heard of) well im there new mechanic, i applied on saturday and started today, bad thing is though i dont get weekends off as they are at there bussiest then.
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right sorry for the delay, been workin.


my job is great i get to ride around in the karts, buggies or quad pretty much when ever i want for free.


about an evo meet up your best off at P.F. international thats a much better place and pretty much in the same area- basically the track is longer and the karts are slighty faster.


the best thing is though when the customers book a mini grand prix and dont turn up we race against each other instead, how cool is that!!!!!!

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when the customers book a mini grand prix and dont turn up we race against each other instead, how cool is that!!!!!!


We do something similar to that in Tesco's its called Trolley-o-kart and basicially it works like Mario Kart only in trollies.........


We get a 2 man (or woman) team, one in the trolley, and one pushing, and have races who can get around the store in the fastest lap times, with a price being a recently damaged 12 pack of beer / accidentially opened packet of crisps etc.............


Its great however last week we had a horrible accident when Micheal Stew (aka Stew-machuer LOL!) came around a cornor far to fast, and hit a large desplay of wiska's kitten food, he survived with only a broken wrist, however the kitten food was everywhere not to menction the trolley was a write off.........


Unfortunatly his partner pushing the trolley was no so lucky, upon getting up after crashing he slipped on some of the can's and poped his arm outta its socket, but hes back in work now!




Needless to say these events went something towards explaining the "mysterious" events that occur in our shop at night when the students are working.............


These mysterioes include (this month)


Why 3 of our 4 pallet trucks have stoped working at all - Something to do with the 4 man pallet truck bobsleigh even we organised in our warehouse, we even had a betting ring going on and a score card with odd's on it for anyone who wanted to join in!! LOL!


23 entires to the Injury report form............


The sudden appearance of every single road sign, traffic cone and piece of tape from the building site in our shopping center in our warehouse at 6am the following morning after we have been working.......... We even had some flashing light, and placed them around different areas of the shop with large "diversion signs."


Dozens of boxes of eggs and bags of floor misplaced and unaccounted for.......... (we had three people leave on the one day, and decided to try and bake a cake on em all, and they where all long termers of at least 3 years service in our store, it was a requirement!)


5 trolleys written off (admitingly, we removed all the wheels on one of em, placed on a couple of bricks and left it in the new managers office, hes from Liverpool, we where trying to make him feel at home!)


2 display shelves bent beyond recongition


1 entire pallet of crisps completly burst (we climbed up to the highest point and took turns jumping into it) - About 500 packets of Disco's where sacrificed for "the cause......"


1 visit to the hospital with the "sholder injury" above


And a serious amount of bullshite to explain how over £400 worth of kitten food got damaged when the shop was closed..........




Who'd work in tesco's then? HAHA Ow and inbetween all this arsing around we have been know to do some work...........


And lets not get started on the practical jokes............. :roll:

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