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Mk6 Si Ross

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anyone else got it/seen it???


just watched it for probably the 1st time all the way through uninterrupted and realised i don't really get it anyway!!!!


1. Why did the group get rid of Sean Bean near the begining??


2. What was in the bloody case??


3. Who worked for who???!!

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1. Why did the group get rid of Sean Bean near the begining??

He wasnt a professional criminal as he made out, deniro outsmarted him at what was meant to be his speciallity, (millitary stratagies)


2. What was in the bloody case??

dont find out


3. Who worked for who???!!

The woman workked for the irish,

deniro was CIA

The french guy and the guy that drove the S8 were hired by the Irish

Gregor worked for the russians

Top class film

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