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Here's a puzzle for you

Mk6 Si Ross

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why in films n telly in general do they give drunk people BLACK coffee??? why is that thought to sober people up???


Does it have less strength/caffine in if you put milk in??????

................Black coffee soon to be changed to, 'water with caffine in,with maybe a bit of milk'........to be politically and racially correct. :) Al.

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Milk would make you spit chunks, so no milk equals no chunks :thumb:


I got one for ya, courtesy of Pete...


How do they get the chocolate on Malteasers?


Think about it, a malteasers chocolate is perfectly smooth all the way round, it has no flat sides at all. So how do they do it?


I thought maybe they had the malteasers constantly rollining around as they were drying but even then Im sure they would have "runs" in them.


Anyone work for Mars ?(



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Wouldn't fancy them at all ;( ;( ;(


Back to black coffee................i ask cos its supposed to keep you awake if you tired, i know Jordan likes his men black, sorry, coffee black, was just wondering why/if putting milk in it would weaken it any???? make it less of a stimulant?

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