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Been off work for the past 2 weeks so I didn't even want to look at a PC :D

Got the timing belt changed on the car at last. Saw David Gray in Kilarney and spent the weekend drinking till the wee small hours. So all in all a productive 2 weeks :D


Here's a good question I heard in the pub last week.....


Can you name 5 sports that involve a net but don't use a ball?????????


I can get 3 I think ?(

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1. Ice Hocky

2. Badminton

3. Fishing

4. Hammer Throw, they have a net behind them

5. emm Volleyball, i mean Volleybrick 


I got the first 3 alright, no. 4 is a bit dodgy as it's more of a cage than a net :D


I reckpn downhill skiing cos the have nets up to catch the skiers if they fall ?(

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