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WTF is that site for? :unsure:
  • Author
think it values websites basically? i thought google was worth more than it says tho?
Probably a load of bull.... :)
  • Author

probably...bit of fun tho :)


apparently we make $2.23 a day in revenue! thats like nearly £400 a year lol

check out the archives!!!!!


old skool EVO!!

sell sell sell!!!
  • Author
lmao kev...not mch has changed on here then :roll:
think it values websites basically? i thought google was worth more than it says tho?


what, you think its worth more than $2.19 billion?!

  • Author
i read it as twelve thousend million lmffao sorry been a while since iv seen a number that big :nutter:
i read it as twelve thousend million lmffao sorry been a while since iv seen a number that big :nutter:


but that would still be $12billion! :pancake:


collectively it rates my two website as being worth just over $600million. so where do i sign?!

  • Author

i meant thats how i read it lol me being dense :roll: perhaps i should be primeminister or own a bank...credit crunch? what credit crunch? i only owe eight thousend million pounds :roll:


il give you a pound :D

il give you a pound :D


when you say a pound, do you actually mean a billion pound? :pancake: if so, you have PM.

  • Author

erm...let me count it all out...il reply...but it may be...a while :roll:


on a seriouse note, stu will be selling us all, i feel like a whore :(

well apparently my site is worth $1,252.68 so haw do i sell it :drunk:

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