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1st part

with out trying to start a political or racial argument here, i cannot believe that in a city as large as Birmingham there is still no Day set aside for its Residents to celebrate St Georges day, the same way the irish celebrate St Paddys Day.

Yesterday i went with my son and girlfriend to watch the the Parade through the center Of Birmingham, we met up some friends all there for same reason and before i knew it im waking up today with a sore head, one to many pints of the black stuff.


It was a fantastic day the whole town decorated in Green and white with a hint of orange too.


The bigwigs that decide if these parades can go ahead fear that a St Georges day parade will insight Racial tension and flareups, what a crock.


In the Paddys parade i saw Irish Pipers followed by Bangra drummers who were followed by Chinese Dragons who were in turn followed by Carribean Salsa Dancers, if the Irish can embrace all cultures and welcome them to join their day then why cant this be said for the English on their day St Georges day, are the English really that patriotc enough to say ENGLISH ONLY, i dont think so. Yes there are mindless idiots that would try and use the day for Nationalist reasons, but if the Irish can do it then im sure we can do it too.


What is the problem with St Georges day being a National day and celebrated in the same way. The English are crying out for a way to celebrate and i believe invite all cultures to join in so come on Mr Bigwig SORT IT OUT.




2nd Part


While at the Parade yesterday i was impressed at the different amount of Organisations all willing to be involved in the Day.


I was especially delighted to see involved all kinds of Motor vehicles ranging from old Fashioned Buses, Fire Engines, Re-built Morris Minors to an Astin Martin, Mods on their Scooters.

So i got to thinking wouldnt it be great to see some of the EVO members in the Cars taking part, i managed to grab a few words with the top organisor of the day who loved the idea of having Evo along, each year the parade gets bigger and better and the organisors are always looking to add something different.


80,000 people turned up yeasterday to watch the parade a good portion of that i would bet are car Enthusiasts, so with this in mind EVO as a Club has been invited to next years parade.


There are of course some conditions, the cars taking part (maximum of 5) must be of a crowd pleasing Standard, eye catching out of the Norm head turners, which stands to reason really.

The Cars must have a banner on show for instance "EVO IS PROUD TO CELEBRATE ST PATRICKS DAY" Evo can advertise as much as they like the Club etc etc .


The Parade always gets fantastic Medi coverage i personally would love to take part and the incentive for me is get the Van all revved up for this, and of course its a fantastic opportunity for a social.

Ive set the ground work for this its just a case of saying yes, the application has to be submitted 6 months before the event so plenty of time to get those Fords spic and span.


What do you think


here are some pics from yesterday.











I like your idea, but could you just confirm for me exactly WHY there is nothing like this for St Georges day? Has it been "banned due to racial tension/hatred issues that MAY happen) or does it just not happen because no-one has PROPERLY attempted to organise it like the paddys have?
  • Author

To be honest i think its a combination of both.


Birmingham prides itself on being a multi Cultrial City yet there seems to be some kind of stigma about a St Georges day Parade.


St Paddys parade has been going for a while in fact this one was the 25th Anniversary.


Someone some where is scared to give a St George parade the big A ok which to me is just plain daft and to be absolutely honest i actually dont know if its ever been attempted or pationed


maybe something to look into

People celebrate St Patricks day over here because it's associated with getting ruined on Guinness.
I like your idea, but could you just confirm for me exactly WHY there is nothing like this for St Georges day? Has it been "banned due to racial tension/hatred issues that MAY happen) or does it just not happen because no-one has PROPERLY attempted to organise it like the paddys have?

Honestly, I'd bet on the latter.


I can't be the only one who is not remotely interested in attending a St Georges Day parade.. (not to say that others shouldn't, I just mean I wouldn't be interested in watching it)

  • Author
I like your idea, but could you just confirm for me exactly WHY there is nothing like this for St Georges day? Has it been "banned due to racial tension/hatred issues that MAY happen) or does it just not happen because no-one has PROPERLY attempted to organise it like the paddys have?

Honestly, I'd bet on the latter.


I can't be the only one who is not remotely interested in attending a St Georges Day parade.. (not to say that others shouldn't, I just mean I wouldn't be interested in watching it)



So does that Imply that the English are just not Patriotic??


i wonder what the general feeling on that is, thats very interesting that you say that


People celebrate St Patricks day over here because it's associated with getting ruined on Guinness.



Perehaps because there is no incentive or to celebrate their own National Heritage

People celebrate St Patricks day over here because it's associated with getting ruined on Guinness.



Perehaps because there is no incentive or to celebrate their own National Heritage


You're asking the wrong bloke. I don't think there's currently much about English heritage and culture to celebrate or be proud of.


I was just stating that getting bladdered is one of the reasons a large amount of people 'celebrate' St Patrick's day.

So does that Imply that the English are just not Patriotic??


i wonder what the general feeling on that is, thats very interesting that you say that

Well, I don't think many are.. but one minute we're moaning about every conceivable problem this country has, the next minute we need to be patriotic. I don't really get it.


Having said that, we are in the majority ("English" being the majority is what I mean). When you're a minority, whether thats Irish, Chinese, Hindu, the celebrations seem to be a lot more 'loud and proud', elaborate..


I think we're typically a quiet, "can't be arsed" kind of nation. I'm more than happy to be patriotic at World Cup time, or any time we have a national team in a sports event, but really, do many of us know who St George was? He slayed a dragon? orly? (cue a wiki link)

Edited by Brown





I agree with Sid, Paddys day, for most, is about the pissup. Georges day involves english people getting pissed and having patrioting facebook statuses and the odd pub may put flags up but nobody will go out of there way or spend their hard earned to celebrate it, there certainly wont be a parade.

IMO we have nothing really to be proud of, yes we kept the germans at bay all those years ago, and we protected the falkland islanders from the argies, but other than that this country is just CRAP. Full of problems and following the yanks blindly.


Then again, WTF is paddys day about?

its a mixture of, cant be arsed, not allowed and worried about trouble.


iv heard of alot of issues with the racial side of it with minnorities using it to be racist. i hear alot more tho about the celebration causing upset to minnorities from other cultures and them complaining which then makes it hard to do this with any support from councils etc.


wasnt so long back people were being told to take thee st georges flags down as it upset people...


but alas we had this discusion last year...started by me :) i like st georges day because its my birthday...but whenever i fill a form i always put in "other" as nationality and put in english :D

  • Author

great discussion thanks :thumb:



So what about attending this event next year, anyone up for it and a few jars too :drunk:

People celebrate St Patricks day over here because it's associated with getting ruined on Guinness.


You could not be anymore Right.

ah jezuz lads paddys day is great craic, come over to me and i will show you waht it is all about :cheers:

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