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Mornin evryone.


I got in a hgour ago...


Im so drunkerededed itd probably bre advisable for me to nip hossy and inform themn they'lkl need to have a dialisis (sp0) machine wamred up r3eady for when my kidneys finaly give out laterr.


yay <gos to collapsew on the couch>

This definitely needs to be kept.

pmsl.. save the evidence for later! :roll:

dya think hell have any memory of being online?? lol :pancake:

Heh. Classic.
hey you got to treat you self every once in a while, but this is classic Shaw really Haha
Fake! :innocent:
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1. I do remember it (though not the content)

2. My fingers must swell to twice their normal size when hammered

3. Ill have to make sure to close IE before I go out next time as Id have never considered using Evo if it hadn't had popped up when the monitor came back on.

4. Why fake?.... I was pissed.....and slightly incapable..... and strangely unable to spell ATALL!

5. by all means keep it up, imo its a good example of how even after god knows how many JD's&Cokes and whatever the greeny blue thing was the brother in law handed me.............. I still make more sense than a good 50% of evo users :P

and people say evos gone down hill and not as good as what it use to be............. not a bit of it :rolleyes:
Pics or STFU.


I would ;)

The above was normal "scouse"... you weren't drunk at all.
At least your spelling and punctuation was far better in the title than the content so little less embarrassing eh! :innocent:

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