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Just abit of info for guys to keep a eye on... 90% of ylod is caused by over heating... the reason for this... sony set the stock speed of the fan to 20%

to cut down on noise.. same reason for xbox doing it..

So the rapid heating and cooling is what cause's the solder joins to go or when the temp sensor starts to fail the fan dont kick up to cool the system


Their is a mod you can do to set fan speed to 50% or 100% speed 100% will be too loud for some lol


diagram for 50% speed mod..


This is interesting, given that I need to fix my PS3 for the 3rd time now.

Does this mean the fan is spinning at, say, 50% constantly? Even when it wants to get to 100%?

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yes your setting the fan to run at 50% speed all the time its been tested and theirs a post were a guy says all the ylods he has fixed and done this to have not come back to be repaired again but the one that have not had the fan mod do come back to be fixed again ;)


The reason for ppl opting for 50% speed is its not too loud lol


search youtube for vids of the ps3 at 100% fan speed.. ;)

Yeah, Ive heard them at full pelt, theyre not quiet. My worry would be limiting the fan to 50% speed, as it may need to go higher than that during use.

As above, you will be setting your fan to run at a constant speed with this mod meaning that your ps3 wont be able to ramp up the speed should it need to. If you want to do a proper job of modding your fan speed, use a temperature sensor (such as a PT100) as a replacement for R1 in the schematic. This will then automatically change the resistance (and therefore the duty cycle of the 555) with changing temperature. Make sure you include an offset resistor in series with the PTxxx temperature sensor though so that the fan speed cant fall below a given speed.

By the way, i dont think the 555 circuit in the link is correct. Theyre normally wired up like this...



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I'm gona look at a putting a switch in for sensored speed or 100% speed or if the noise dont bother me i'll set it to 100% all the time ;)
Replacing a DC fan supply with a PWM supply will reduce your fan speed, not increase it.
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I dont really care about fan noise so I wired the gray wire to a 3.3v supply ;)
I have the Ylod of mine... ;( Had a massive sulk and bought a new slimline.
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I'm not happy :( got my new blu ray drive seen it all working yet it dont show up on the PS menu and it stops the HDD form loading demos hdd games or PS home :s but if I remove all the ribbons connecting the blu ray from the drive pcb it loads stuff off the hdd???
  • Author
Fixed it :D its all workin now ;)
Im confused. I thought youb had YLOD? Whats that got to do with your bluray drive?
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I got a ylod ps3 off a mate fixed it and the blu ray is fucked..

laser motor ribbon and disc sensor plug were fooked..

so got a new blu ray and i soldered the disc sensor wires on to the blu ray mobo


but when i started the ps3 the drive didnt show up on the ps menu..

but i reset the settings on the ps3 and it all works..

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