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Any1 else seen it, its based on the maxin scene but with people kitting up their microwaves and going along to crusies and having burnouts (who can blow up their microwave whilst cooking) got microwaves with huge spoilers, viper strips and everything, also one wityh a bhig sub inside :D Tis a top class advert, definately one to look out for.
best ad on the TV at the mo..... u just have to laugh :D love it when the cop car drives past really slow at the end.... creases me :roll: :roll:
yeah, just saw it on the Big Bro ads.. first time I've seen it for a few months. Always makes me 'lol' when he says its been "lowered" ha ha
Someone find me an online link for this now!!
is it just regional at the mo??? not one i seen n i have been know to watch a lot of telly!! X( :D

i saw it for the first time yesterday

was ROFL.

lol i not seen that advert, must keep an eye out, wot chan does it tend to show on?
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Saw it on ch4 during break of big brother, probably most likely shown in evening to get their particular audience.
I havent seen it yet, but then i dont watch much tele and i certainly dont watch big brother

i ain't seen the ad, myself. I ain't watched any Big Brother and please feel free to shoot me if I do. If it's not on UK Gold or during Coronation Street, I ent gonna see it! :D



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