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mystic river, thinking of buying it and i missed it when it was on at the cinema :(

so has anyone watched it.

never heard of it, let alone watched it!! ;)
  • Author
thanks :roll:
Me either?? Has it got naked woman in, car chases, green trolls?? if not then i aint too fussed about it! :thumb:
Never see or heard of it, but if ya tell kev its got Stella in it then he'll buy it and tell you what its like :roll:

never heard of it X(


who's in it? ?(

Same again never heard of it ?(

:roll: You did go and check just to make sure though :P

Rented that out the other nite, not seen it yet though lol.

:roll: You did go and check just to make sure though :P

PMSL :roll: :roll: :roll: Kev's dream job. Stella tester :drunk:

Edited by plumber60

must be low budget? :D
  • Author
what the film ?(

I've just watched the trailer, but I'm none the wiser! ?(


What sort of film is it, Powerscort? :thumb:

  • Author

well its about 3 young friends JIMMY,DAVE,SEAN.

One day Dave is abducted by a fake police officer,he escapes after days of abuse,then years later he is married but is still mixed up from what happend.


Now grown up Jimmy is an ex con and Sean is a cop,then one day Jimmys daughter is found murderd and he seeks revenge-weather it be through his own route or Seans police work,

The three friends are brought back together in a variety of ways......


it prob dont apeal to you but hey :))

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