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I was listening to what i think was Century FM up north which has this program like one that used to be called Lovelines where people call up about affairs n sex n bondage n allsorts. Anyways, new show n new presenters


Some woman and ANDY CRANE!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:



damn, I thought he was at some London station now. ?(


I keep checking his site for updates but it's being updated at the mo. :vangry: :vangry:



The man the legend!!!!
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the show goes out on a few staions across the country, was just funny hearing his voice!!! aint seen/heard him on anything in ages!!!!!

Mike - your at Interford - shall I bring my Bad influence vid - series 1 so you can see him in his prime? ?(


Jordan's seen it and he liked. :D

the show goes out on a few staions across the country, was just funny hearing his voice!!! aint seen/heard him on anything in ages!!!!!

He does the voiceover for the popular Meridian realit TV documentry "Redocats" :D



Yes yes yes!!!!

In exchange il record the rolf concert for ya!!! :thumb:

OK that's a deal mate! :D


you HAVE to remind me in advance though because I'm really forgetful. :thumb:

remind you what??? :roll: :roll:
remind you what??? :roll: :roll:


I forgot! ?( ?( ?(




nah, remind me a coupla days beforehand to stick the video in the car for ya. :cheers:

I always remember his days in the broom cupboard. :thumb:


AndyCrane.jpgEddWilson.jpg (BTW these pix came from a site Wax'll love!) :thumb:

But I think the man himself was summed up briefly, but accurately, in that timeless piece of musical history "John Kettley is A Weatherman" circa 1988 by "Tribe Of Toffs" :D

Edited by cargy

But I think the man himself was summed up briefly, but accurately, in that timeless piece of musical history "John Kettley is A Weatherman" circa 1988 by "Tribe Of Toffs" :D

"John Kettley is a weatherman, a weatherman, a weatherman, John Kettley is a weatherman, and so is Michale Fish, and so is Ian Macaskil, and so is Wincey Williiiiiiiisssss....."





classic! :D :D

They did summat like that in bham on me local station. They rang ppl up and wispered to them to prove that we all sound the same when we whisper.


They did it to partners of ppl who rang in who thought there other halfs were cheating.


They'd ring up and say 'Hello its me' 'can you talk' they would answer with stuff like 'i told you not to ring me at this time or place' cop them out was well funny.

But I think the man himself was summed up briefly, but accurately, in that timeless piece of musical history "John Kettley is A Weatherman" circa 1988 by "Tribe Of Toffs" :D

"John Kettley is a weatherman, a weatherman, a weatherman, John Kettley is a weatherman, and so is Michale Fish, and so is Ian Macaskil, and so is Wincey Williiiiiiiisssss....."





now there's a question, whatever happened to Wincey Willis? :D

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