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some tw@, aka harvez, took all his wheel of today lovley, stuck his new steerin wheel bk on only to find out its the wrong boss kit ... ok annoyed but ill stick the old one on not a problem, harvez breaks the airbag trigger so he cant put it bk on. again not a problem if im gettin a new steerin wheel - i wont need it so ill leave it off. Old wheel bk on minus the air bag, key in ignition ... the fukin steerin lock has broke. Can anyone who works in ford plz contact me, i will give u my phone number so i can speak to you as its a major problem, i cant hot wire the car beacsue the immobilser stops it
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Thanx mate, one more thing ! anyway to hot wire the immobilser ? i can wire it to start the eltrics etc wivout the key its just the immobilser is going its job. The reaosn i wanna by pass it is so i can get my car to a garage to get it looked at



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Don't quite understand, can you put the key in the ignition and start her up? Or will the key just go in, but not turn? ?(


I had the second problem on the Saph once - but wiggling the wheel whilst turning the key overcame the steering lock and it was fine after that. Even if you can turn the key, I'd try wiggling the wheel around whilst turning the key to see if you can disengage the lock.

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its not the steerin lock now, its the actuall ignition barrel - i can put the key in it just will not turn full stop ! so thought ok ill jst get a new barrel, EASY PEASY ..... grr damn pin is in and we canty get it out so think im gonna have to result to drillin it tomorro when i got time
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