Posted July 30, 200420 yr right as most of you know, i brought some car off a pathetic, lying, untruthful, promise breaking piece of shite Pee poor excuse for a human being about 6 weeks ago now. and this week the story has mainly been " the money which i accidently paid into the wrong sort code is back into my account, i promise you you will have your money by the end of the week (this week)" so yesterday comes, and no money still so i ring him, just out of curiosty and a update, he tells me, one of his lads he works with will pay th emoney in tomoorow (friday), So i wake up at 1pm, check bank on t th net, £8.34p , suprise suprise no fcuking money, and to add to the frustration, i ring him and what do i get, welcome to the 02 voicemail service, the lying pathetic Cnut you have just rung, has decided to be a Whacker, please wait another week, while the Pee poor idiot decides on his next excuse so i bet i will get hold of him tommorow, and he will come upw ith something like, " my mothers just died, and im going to be busy all week" god am i mad, and i know you said, you shouldnt pay someone first, but i thought, why not, i have his bank details. his fone number etc he cant escape but noooooooo right im gonna email ebay, then im gonna think of some cunning plan to make this annoying people life hell and irritating like the past 6 weeks i have been waiting. i feel like somehow finding a way of selling somehting on ebay he would like, then conning him back, or i dunno anything. this last 6 weeks its just been pure irritatingannoyingconfusingaggrivatingi send him emails out of pure anger, and yet i have to apologise when he rings me cause i feel bad i must have clocked up £40 of text and call charges as i only have his mobile number. i fail to see the fcuking point bothering now, i think il get my dad to hack into his ebay account or something, see if i can get his bank details, ill make this T*at think twice before he thinks of conning someone again/
July 30, 200420 yr Author i just need ideas as to what i can do, i dont need to be told its all my fault, dont you think i know that. i have his mobile number, his bank details and thats it and his email adress. ive tried to look for his ebay username on ebay, but i cant find it, the only ones that come close are two others, and ones from canada, and ones from the USA if anyones any good at hacking please please pm me, i can offer a deal here to someone, if i could cause him double the frustration as he has caused me and i can get my money back, then id happily pay someone a certain amount of it. im just going to email ebay. give us some ideas chaps please
July 30, 200420 yr Think I missed the first lot of this mate, but the way you 'hack' someones ebay, paypal, hotmail account etc etc is just to send them an email and con them into entering their own details on a lookalike website. It'll only work on stupid people, and you haven't a hope in hell of setting it all up yourself to be convincing enough. Give up now on trying to scam him back, you won't get anywhere good with it. You bought a car on ebay, then paid £300 straight into his bank account huh? So you should have his address details, yes? Say now if not, because you can pull them from ebay in two ways, either by requesting directly, or by going through the checkout pages - which will give you his full address. You can find out the bank address from the sortcode, and many people's banks are local to their home address. Please give us a link to the auction mate, may be able to help more then.
July 31, 200420 yr Goto the police, they will take it seriously................He will probs get arrested on deception charges........
July 31, 200420 yr Author i dont have his home adress, and i can find him on eba anymore. i sent ebay a email. cheers
July 31, 200420 yr what area he live in . If you know a copper he can do veh check get the reg .... well only i thought but i would be at his door and giving him an excuse to drink out a straw for a forntight. wank
July 31, 200420 yr Author i know one copper, heh good idea, i made good friends with one, the night i decided to try and end my life, ahem i may give him a ring at the station
July 31, 200420 yr What do you mean, you can't find him on ebay anymore? You have the auction number mate? Find the emails from ebay, saying 'you have bid' and then 'you have won', or if you've deleted them, sign into ebay and goto 'my ebay' then on the left side bidding-->'items won' and get the auction number. Post the number up here if you don't mind sharing, and we can work from there.
July 31, 200420 yr Author i deleted my emails tho, in fact this is a brand new compter so i lost all my favourites.8-)
July 31, 200420 yr if u have his bank account number or paypal account the police will be able to trace it cause the bank will have to have an address for him. what a c*nt though ive also been conned on ebay, its not a good experiance, but live and learn. or if u have his mobile number the police will be able to find him from that.
July 31, 200420 yr Author the police said they wont get involved as no crime has been commited,they told me to go citizens advice buro ? and it will probably go through a small claims court. i got tuesday off, so im gonna get the B*stards adress grr
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