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Are all these bizzies bored, got pulled again lastnite, 2nd time in two days, 5th time in 10months with my escort... Had a fiesta for two years before that and never got pulled once!


Never been done for speedin, had one £30 no seatbelt fine and thats it!


Are they just THAT bored?


sorry rant over...

lol, you were breaking the law. what do you expect ?(




EDIT: just re-read ad that was in the past. BUT still id rather they pulled me over cos if my car ever got stolen and they pulled the people over in my car then surely thats a good thing if u see what im getting at???



Edited by marcus

tell them "shouldn't you be catching criminal instead pulling drivers over who has done nothing wrong"
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i know its a Good thing but...


they had attitudes and surely they cud see i was legit, went around car with toothcomb, didnt want my licence, which i carry, they wanted me to say all my details, check everythin over radio, took all my mates details in the car and tested me on then..


one cop said they pulled me cause i was goin a bit fast, which is bollox, and the other cop said its because they seen car full of young lads, ME AND 2 MATES! I'm not even that young, 22!

Unfortunatly tho there are so many cars in an illegal state that they need to pull over people to check over cars for everyones safety. As long as you have not done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about :thumb:
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As long as you have not done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about :thumb:

True suppose not fair to moan about all cops, but wud like to see a change in attitude, maybe even a wee appology for wastin my time

one cop said they pulled me cause i was goin a bit fast, which is bollox, and the other cop said its because they seen car full of young lads, ME AND 2 MATES! I'm not even that young, 22!

Both of those are not reasons for pulling you over tho.


1 You are either speeding or not there is not a bit fast


2 Since when has it been wrong to take people around in your car

Been Pulled a few times, Driving too fast eh.


Is their laws on acceleration and stuff i got pulled for accelrating too fast, and Braking too hard (Altho no exceeding the speedlimit) He reconed i was racing, Racing what exactly, cos it was a local bypass abot 1 in the morning lol. They do a good job, But yesterday i was pretty shocked when i was in KFC and a guy got followed into mcdonalds by a Volvo Cruiser basically accused him of drink driving etc scared the hsit ot of his kids. Only to find in fact they were wrong and he passd the test. If i was in that position id have done it osmewhere a bit more discreet and not in the way they did it.


Dunno used to have al ot of respet for them, Each time ive needed them they never show, when yo do nothnig wrong you cant get rid of them.

"2 Since when has it been wrong to take people around in your car"


I got told to stop being clever when i got pulled and their reason was there was 4 people in the car. Only cos i said i dont see what the problem is there, this car can seat 5 people and proceeded to show him the 5 seatbelts lol.

It's getting ridiculous TBH :vangry:

I used to get followed everywhere a while back (not changed my car since then or owt). Got to the stage where a legal professional who's a mate of my dads actually said if I had evidence of how much they bothered me, I had a very good case for harassment X(


Never came to owt, coz as my Dad said it will just cause me more hassle in the long run with them all protecting each other.


I also used to ask for a copy of every producer I got, and once I was refused! He goes 'why do you want that' I just said something along the lines of 'for my records', still wouldn't give me one though and im sure I have a right to one :vangry:


They've pretty much stopped since they followed my Mum in my car a few times by accident and then realised - seems they don't want to mess with someone who could easily take them to court, thats why they mess around with younger drivers.


Maybe its just a laugh to them, but TBH I can't be arsed with being treated like a criminal for nothing :(


OK some cops are alright and would never do that, and some young drivers are twats and deserve to be banned, but seriously come on! :curse:

i got pulled last night passed an astra cop car going the other way at warp speed


best thing was i got the bit on my new video cam, wassa gonna leave it recording on the dash but realised it could be used as evidence! so shoved the cam under the back seats

I never get bored with boobies. :thumb:

its such a adreline moment when you've shot passed a the feds, not realising til the last moment, then your studying the rear view mirror looking for them to turn around or something.


I used to get pulled quite alot in the scort, but always managed to worm outta it! what really bugs me is they are sooo arrogant!!!! even the cop that lives on my street of duty is still an asshole, keeps saying stuff like:

"i see you got some leather seats for your car, im sure that'll make it faster" - yeah??? im sure they will.


"i see people like you all the time, just waiting to cause an accident" - T*at


thinks he's god or something, its just the case that he managed to get himself in a posistion of power, with the use of minum qualifications, education and intelliegence. GETS ON MY TITS

aye van tis wot my m8 did, he got pulled 5 times in 7 days or summit stupid, wasnt doing anything wrong wot so ever on any occasion, he was just driving a modified 206 or he had ppl in his car. so the next time he got pulled he asked for their shoulder numbers and their names, they asked y he told them about being pulled over numerous times in a week and if it kept happening every policeman who pulled him over wud be put forward for harrassment, they stopped pulling him over then....for a while then it started agen, its never ending lol.
even the cop that lives on my street of duty is still an asshole, keeps saying stuff like:

"i see you got some leather seats for your car, im sure that'll make it faster" - yeah??? im sure they will.


"i see people like you all the time, just waiting to cause an accident" - T*at

So what does he think of the MR2 :roll:

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