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Behold My Glory


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Have found a village that look up to me as their god, to such an extent that they have named the place after me.




Flackwell Heath is in buckinghamshire, they have a football team and everything.



They have a lovely chapple, where they must pray to me daily.:innocent:


This is a small celibration they recently had in honour of my greatness




sorry bit bored



Maybe I'll smite them later :innocent:

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there is a town near Ayr with the same name as me Dalrymple + fook knows how many streets, hospitals etc. in other towns down near me!


And yet people still don't know to spell my name some times!



PMSL :roll:


8o 8o


Tis where I live mate, Dalymple :thumb:






Seriously I know what you mean, number of people who can't spell it right!!! :censored:

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there is a town near Ayr with the same name as me Dalrymple + fook knows how many streets, hospitals etc. in other towns down near me!


And yet people still don't know to spell my name some times!



PMSL :roll:


8o 8o


Tis where I live mate, Dalymple :thumb:






Seriously I know what you mean, number of people who can't spell it right!!! :censored:


i have been through it a couple of times just to have a look. Haven't been through in ages though.

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