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mondeo climate control in an escort


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hey peeps,

have been thinking of adding climite control to my escort, becuase as far as i know the aircon systems in escort and mondeos are basically the same, and when you think about it, theres really not that too much too an aircon system,

also the controls fit in the same sized/spaced holes.

does any one have any wiring diagrams for mondeo/escort aircon systems,

the guy whos selling it say itl work,

but im paying £120 for the full kit, so wanna know that theres atleast some chance first,

but il keep you all posted,

cos i think it'd look the mutts nutts,

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dont think the knobs for the climate control display will fit where yr normal heater control knobs will mate.. not without some cutting


and if he recons itll work how comes he cant explain how itll all work?? sounds dodgy to me


to be fair mate he said he'd give a contact number to call for help when installing it, and wiring diagrams for the mondeo layout, i just cant find escort diagram layouts for aircon,

im gonna go to scrappy tomorrow and trash some escort and mondeo heater controls and try and see if it'll fit

but i will push him for info on it all first


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i got a 1 year old ST220

it goes like hell what does your St200 goes like




goes very well mate.. :devil:


meant to ask why its down on power?!!! X(


ST200 ergo 200 ish bhp, but moddified with Bluefin n only 194 bhp X(

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