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ok, i went to the scrappy yesterday n got myself a new MAF to replace the one i think is faulty. I made the mistake of getting one off of a 1.8L when mine is only a 1.6L. i looked at them both and the 1.8L one is an extra 0.5cm in diameter. WIll this affect the engines performance? Also, would running wihtout the MAF plugged in affect the engine in any way??

Without the MAF makes a large difference, the engine will run extremely rich and be down on power :thumb: Mine was like that until last weekend as my MAF stoped working completely.


I have a MAF off a 1.6 if you need it PM me.

the black boxes ontop of the MAF's r different, us a 1.6 one mate, dont think the 1.8 will even start ur car, didnt when i tryed that on mine
  • Author
ok, will try it and see. Think the car runs better without the maf hooked up though. runs better thru the rev range but eats a bit more fuel. can i not just change the little black box or is that likely to be what is wrong with the MAF?
ok, will try it and see. Think the car runs better without the maf hooked up though. runs better thru the rev range but eats a bit more fuel. can i not just change the little black box or is that likely to be what is wrong with the MAF?


u can but the star bolts ontop, have little bits of metel in the middle (tamper proof) sure u could get the tool, but not 100% it would work any ways

u cant get a set of tamper proof heads from maplin.. i got a set for the exact reason you need it, and ive used it a fair few times on the ST as well £7.99




33-Piece Security Bit Set Information:

Centre-pin type star bits: T8H, T10H, T15H, T20H, T25H, T27H, T30H, T35H, and T40H

Centre-pin type hex bits: 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64 and 5/32

Tri-wing bits: nos.1, 2, 3 and 4

Spanner-type bits: nos. 4, 6, 8 and 10

Torq bits: nos. 6, 8 and 10

Flat bits: 4, 5 and 7mm

Phillips-type bit: no.2

Pozi-type bit: no.2

1/4 drive to 1/4 hex adaptor



product code is: GU60Q





i meant u CAN ... bloody need an edit button ;(

... the maf is a metal tube and the sensor is the hot wire that hangs down from the black bit at the top... putting your shagged 1.6 one onto a 1.8 maf will make no odds at all, if your car runs better without the maf yours is certainly faroqued. Get another maf... 1.6 or 1.8 and plug it in, it will be fine
  • Author
i tried the 1.8l one and the car just wont idle properly. Without anything plugged in the car runs so much better. Maybe the 1.8 MAF is fooked too??
got2 in the shed ...whats the number on yours m8?
  • Author




Thats the number on the black box.


Does each engine have a different one though??

think mine could be the same number will check in morning for ya

7.99 for those tamper tools, rofl, where did u get them TELL ME PLs i beg thats well gooood, only the 2.0 maf has the wire hangin down the 1.6 and 1.8 r internal,


oh yea number on my spare 1.8 maf is





yea need edit button big time

  • Author
its a 1.6L one that i'm after. I picked up the 1.8L one by mistake. Just running the old one at the moment since it works but performance is really down. will have to take a trip to the old scrap yard this week or next me thinks.
7.99 for those tamper tools, rofl, where did u get them TELL ME PLs i beg thats well gooood


They're cheaper in ASDA

  • 2 weeks later...
the black box on top MUST be from a 1.6. The actual metal housing can be from any size u like,aslong as u use a 1600 box. The bigger bore the housing the better the airflow/induction noise but if u use a 2.0 MAF box for instance you WILL underfuel,and a 1.8 one will be less fuel than standard which will prob be ok as 1.6s run rich as standard. But best go 1.6 anyway

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