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MK6 Evotech Bumper with Angel Eye Fogs


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Got a MK6 Evotech bumper with angel eye fog lights and it is painted silver. As you can see it comes with high quality ST mesh, but has mesh missing on one side, but its only a small piece to replace!.

The black you can see is just where the number plate was fixed on. Looking for offers on this.



Edited by basskiddanny
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How does £75 sound??


Also if you want postage you can arrange a courier and i will be able to wrap it all up for them ready to collect some time. PM me if you are interested. Would need the money paying into my Halifax account however, because i don't currently have a working paypal account.


Its easy enough to do and a lot of peole have paid me for stuff in this way. It is quicker and cheaper than paypal too! lol.

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