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OH NO!!! Not when we're on NRF, please no. Looks like i may be off to war soon peeps



NRF=NATO REACTION FORCE, a 3 month commitment by one of the NATO air force fighter squadrons (from july-sept its MY squadron,43 F Sqn tornado F3s) where if anything kicks off its the NRF squadron that will be detatched before any other fighter SQN. Whats the lebanese air force like? lebanon kicked off on oman while i was detatched there earlier this year too. Theyre pushin there luck



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they should have given the soliders back, and made friends, the end :D


what soliders??? i havent watched the news for about a month :baby:

2 Israeli soliders, which the Terrorist group Hezbollah captured in Israeli territory, and now wants a prisonner exchange for some of the estimated 8,000 Hezbollah prisoners.


Respect to Israel for standing up for itself. :cheers:

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Its all britains Fault.


In early 1900's jewish settlers moved from around the world to Palestine becuase of so called religous reasons. These people from western worlds found it easy and cheap enough to buy land. As more and more Jews started imigrating, especially after them being persecuted by different countries. After world war 2, and after 700k jews occupied and area of Palestine Britain decided to split Palestine in too and call one side Israel, of course with finicial and miltary backing from britain and america and its allies israel soon become the dominate figure in the middle east.


Now think of this, say all the paki's in England demanded that england be split up and allowed half of england to be called "X". Then "x" becomes a dangerous force due to Iran, Iraq, seryria etc all equiping "X" with scuds and other intimidating weapons. England would soon have enough of this and try to re-take "X", it would also call on the service of other allied EU states like Germany and America. Now this is exactly whats happening in Israel at the moment.

All these middle east countrys are pissed off with Israel what taken there country, adn they keep trying to take it back (unsuccefully i will add, which meant israel with there more impressive army actually took MORE LAND (west bank, Gaza, morthern heights 1968), to give you some idea of how impressive the israel force was it actually totally anilated Egypts, Irans, lebbdon and iraqs airforce in only 6 days (the 6 day war)

Now over the last couple of year, israel has given back much of the new aquired land in exchange for peace, but these countrises are not happy and what israel off'ed, and due to the fact theres problably NO military forces that could forcably remove them (not even america) then these middle eastern countries are resorting to guerilla styled attacks.


If you switch postions, and pretend england was occuiped im sure you would think nothing more of flinging a couple home made rockets over the border.


So now you know the facts i'll let you come to your own conclusion on why you cant pick sides, and why England will never go to war WITH israel over there land. England will only resuce its nationals.

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