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Loss of power


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Escort 1.6 zetec

Over the last month car has lost power,espicially when going up hills,it got so bad it was only going up about 10mph,all that could be heard was the exhaust sounding like it had an hole in it(blowing).Its got to the stage where the car now will only start for a few seconds with a loud blowing noise from exhaust.

The engine was getting very hot too.Could the cat be knakered blowing gases back through engine?

please help

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sounds like the cat has collapsed mate,if ur any good with spanners get under the car and take it off,have a look thru it see if it looks caved in,if so change it,if not test drive the car with the cat out and see if powers back (altho it will be VERY noisy)and make sure u tie ur mid sectiopn up while u take it for a quicik spin
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