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Lost my voice

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Yes, your not reading wrongly... i've been having days with either NO voice, or very little (like a whisper), for the last month, i've not got an infection nor hada cold/flu for a GOOD few months, i've tried all the old-wifes tales, tried all medicines (well ok not ALL but a fair few)...and nothings shifting it.

theres the odd few hours wher ei can talk normal and it's great, but then i'll take a drink or sumit and it's gone again lol


I aint been shouting, i aint been hit in the neck...... i dont really want to go to the docs and say 'i've been losing my voice for a month" because it doesn't hurt, i feel completly normal..... just can't talk loud atall lol


this happened to anybody, or know any1 that has happened to? i've been researching on the net, and it's always coming back to stress.... but my stress level hasn't changed for the last year i'd say so can't be that, i orginally (firs tweek) thought i was still being struck by puberty, as this happened as my voice was getting deeper....but nope... lol


god this is a rant.... i'll go now

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