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Fag Lighter Wiring 'On Accessory'

Beat Master BoB

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Ok kids, heres the score ...


I have a new usb head unit, and instead of 4 gig of pants usb flash stick I am gunna wire myself a USB hard drive up, but to power the USB hard drive I need another fag lighter socket ... But instead of a fag lighter which is always on, I need one that comes on when the key is turned to 'accessory on' (so its powered at the same time the head unit is ... makes scence!) because obviously my car battey will die and so will the usb hard drive if they are left on all day and nite forever ...


I have had a little ganda, and the fag lighter has a constant + and a constant - (earth) ... which makes scence, however there is also another wire ... could anyone tell me its purpose in life ???


I was thinking of just tapping into the constant + and then tapping into the - power for the head unit ... will this work ????? Obviously the usb power converter thing wired to the hard drive will be perminantly in the extra socket, which will be floating under the head unit somewhere behind everything ...


Thanks People ...



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Right so I do a bit of research ...


The fag lighter has a constant +, a constant - ... and the third wire is an illumination wire used to light up the ash tray bit when the lights are on (so now I can stop worrying about it!) ...


So why dont I tap into the + and connect it to the new socket ... and tap into the amp power line you were saying about and slap that into the - of the new socket ... ... ...


wont that be sorted ???? why do I need a relay !?!!?


Thanks in advance bluliz ...



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  • 4 weeks later...
' date='Jul 27 2006, 09:15 PM' post='742320']

relays stop things from blowing up its a good idea to have one :thumb:


and is also makes sure your usb drive doesnt get left on and kill your battery. :thumb:




Anyone got a link where I can buy one thats suitable ???



why not just cut the + wire to your fag lighter, extend it slightly & wire in a switch??

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Right everybody ...


I wired the fag lighter + to the original fag lighter + ... then the fag lighter - to the stereo amp on wire ... fused everything up ... and it all works perfectly !!!


I got myself a different USB hard drive as the other one was a bit pants, and now have 40 gigs of music at my disposal !!!


I would highly reccommend this to all, CDs are a thing of the past, have all the music in the world at your finguretips constantly, never have to even carry CDs in the car, change them while your going along etc etc.





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