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After all the trouble I had with the key not opening the locks, it finally decided it wasn't going to work in the ignition - easy enough, get a new key cut - but no I only have one key never came with the red master key - the ignition housing had to be broken and I need a complete new lock set as my original key useless :-/ great!




Thanks, that sounds expensive.


Could give a whole list of stuff that needs doing on the cabrio, but it'd just depress me!


Parts: £50 ignition housing, £50 lock set, £46 to programme the key/imobiliser - has to be done by Ford. No idea what the fitting will cost :-/




Doesnt sound like the locks were worn just the key is worn, so perhaps you can get lock set from breakers and get it reprogrammed, might be worth ringing around and making a few enquiries. (Then get several spare keys cut and distribute them to members of your family for safe keeping and emergencies !!)


Hope you get it sorted.

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