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Disc changer location


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i've had mt kenwood disc changer for awhile now, and fitted it in the boot, problem is though whilst driving around it tends to jump and skip the cd's. i'm currently thinking of fitting it in the glove box, will it go? its only a 6 disc so it's slim, but what work is involved to get it in there,

time isn't an issue as i'm pulling it of the road for a month when we have the new car to sort problems out.


or if theres a better place to hide it away but still get the cartridge out plz fell free to tell me

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ive got kenwood disc changer but it doesnt skip at all.on the side should be a bit you turn to tell it if its standing or lying down is that in the right position.i know there was a seat front that allows you to fit under drivers seat but rare.see if it fits glove box.just mater of getting wires in to back of it.
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try it..


Its not me thats got it, it was a suggestion haha :P

it used to be under the seat, fitted nicley too, but i couldn't get to the cartridge without leaning under the seat and it was a pain hence why i'm thinking of shoving it in the glove box, didn't know there was a little thing on the side to tell if it was flat or upright, will have a check when i get home tonite

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