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jumpy speedo any ideas any one


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jumpy speedo any ideas any one , is fine when starting off, then more i boot it the worse the speedo needle jumps around :(


been told it could be


speedo cable

speedo clock return spring (in the clocks)

or gear box internals


just wondering if any ones had the same problem and what fixed it, as cable is only £10 then the rest go out in price so would rather not waist money



Edited by SaMMy125
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no dead gearboxes or diffs yet...
I never said it was going to go bang, i meant that MAY BE the diff bearings were worn. They can last like this for years!As for the speedo cable, yes it could be that. Until i put digital clocks in - no twitchiness now!SYTheres a bit missing out of that statement. It should have read, "My analogue speedo was a bit twitchy until i put digital dials in - no more twitchiness!"SY
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He is right.. It is commonly the diff bearings.. however it can also be the speedo cable..


There is a small plastic worm drive that goes into the gearbox that the speedo attaches to.. This can also cause it.. Lots of Shite can!

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i have that on mine its nothing thats gona make your life hell so dont worry about that i just leave mine if it works why brake n i think its t he little plastic bit that leads it onto the gearbox that can wear away if not its the speedo cable the plastic bit on the end that fits into the clock can wear over time so thats why it jumps hope that helps
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