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How to: Fit a disc changer in the glovebox


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Couldn't add this on how to so put it here instead!


Time Taken :30mins


Tools Required


Stanley Knife





Firstly start by emptying your glove box, then clean it out, i had to hover and wipe lol


Get hold of your disc changer and sort of look where you have to chop part of the glovebox wall out, took me 10mins to level it up for the holes.

Now when you have worked out where to fit it you need to chop out that section carefully with a stanley knife.

you will also notice you need to chop a little from the back of the glovebox for it to line up, i did anyways lol.




now working from underneath the glovebox u need to feed the cable and hide it somewhere, i shoved behind the plastic vent pipe.

now fit the disc changer in the glovebox and connect the cable, this is where the hole needs to be in the right place lolb.jpg


now if you want u can make your own brackets or supports to fix/hold it in place, i'm using original brackets for mean time, till i sort it out lol.

once all this is done its testing time to see if the front closes, it should do.a.jpg


i've tried this out on the road to see if it jumps etc going over speed humps and pot holes, it didn't jump once lol!

Ok this idea renders the glovebox relativly useless for anything else, but who cares lol!


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