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Stupid question


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Morning all,


Is it ok to drill through the car pedals to add aftermarket ones? I heard sometime ago that you can only drill if your not going through the arm of the pedal.

Thus you cant use the pedals that have the screw going through the middle of the pedal.


If this is a load of rubbish, is it a pain to drill through the car pedal to fit them?



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sounds like bollix to me,


Id have said aslong as you dont compromise the arm of the pedal(weaken it) then you should be right.


cant honestly recall ever hearing anyone say there was a law or anythin against it, just common sense so ya dont slam ya foot on the brake and [KERSNAP]

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Iirc it's illegal to fit pedals which are too close together and would fail an MOT or summit. This is due to the fact that you could press 2 pedals at once and cause an accident.

I was told they would have to take out my pedals to drill through them because they could get the drill to go through them so I just left it =/

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