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Introducing a new Evoite


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Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Jezebel or Jezzy for short:







And for those of you who love sweet, soft, fluffy, kittens, here's some better pics:





It's a hard life!





Privacy?!? Who cares!




Checking the discs and pads!



And if that's still not enough gooey pics for you, see the rest here:


Pictures of a baby moggie by the monikker of Jezebel



Just wish she'd stop using my legs as a scratching post!



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Nice bit of pussy that! but clean your car man,


I gave her a bucket, but she couldn't be arsed. Needless to say, no kitekat for her that day!


She does make a handy polishing mitt (or is that kitt?) though!


Seriously though, I wondered who would spot the fly population on the car! Product of numerous journeys between here, London, and Bournemouth over the last 3 months. Every time I clean it the bugger is dirty again within 2 or 3 days.

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