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My Smelly problem :)


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Picture the scene, its a nic sunny day, sunroof down, windows open. My windscreen is a bit dirty, so i decide to use the window wash. Fcuk me! The smell! it's like rotten cheese lol


It appears the water has gone off ? Is that possible? What's the best course of action?


Help :)

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Picture the scene, its a nic sunny day, sunroof down, windows open. My windscreen is a bit dirty, so i decide to use the window wash. Fcuk me! The smell! it's like rotten cheese lol


It appears the water has gone off ? Is that possible? What's the best course of action?


Help :)


empty and refill :rolleyes:

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for godsake...............JUST DROP A SODDIN TOILET BLUE BLOCK IN IT!


its basically algae and bacteria growing on the inside of the tank..... emptying and refilling it only causes the algae to die back slightly then come back with avengence, a toilet duck block (the none bleach one) kills the lot off then all you need to do is leave it in there till its totally disintrigarated weeks later and then allways make sure you add a nit of screen wash to your water when you refill (that stops the algae growing again)

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