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after along time i got around to changing my main clocks to red led to match my switches


in the light




and at night







comments :thumb:

after along time i got around to changing my main clocks to red led to match my switches



comments :thumb:

very nice.......i likey :thumb:
by eck, looks like one of those special forces choppers from the movies... i like
do you get much bussinese :pancake:
i like,they seem a tiny tiny bit too bright for my liking and u need to paint ur needles in a matt black or other colour as u cant see them too well and that makes it look a bit poorly done,had u had black dials u cud almost pass it as OEM. Tis what im doing.
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thanks everyone and was thinking about painting the needles but can't deside what colour as its gotta look right in the light :thumb:

looks good mate, i wanted to do this to mine also where u get the bulbs from? were they expensive?






















Look pretty hard to see the gauges at night to me?

red light district!


Looks good matey! Dont think the pics do them justice, as when i took a pic of my dials at night they didn't come out too well

I get the whole desire for the red and all that, but did you intend for them to be that shockingly bright? thatd fcuk my eyes in or give me a headache after ten miles myself....I opted for a subtle orange throughout, find the less in your face colour quite calming personally
Good mod just not my choice of colour ,I had mine done in blue by a guy called crazyleds
Good mod just not my choice of colour ,I had mine done in blue by a guy called crazyleds


He has a red car, they are perfect for it.


What was this guys last name? :roll:

Good mod just not my choice of colour ,I had mine done in blue by a guy called crazyleds


He has a red car, they are perfect for it.


What was this guys last name? :roll:



haha :roll:


got mine from his too!


off ebay, might see if i can get a pic 2night and post it

mines changing to this color too, glad someones got pic's like that
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the picture does not do this justice but they do look alot better and to me they are not to bright.


i used a led strip that i've had for some time but can't remember where i got it from (was for one of my past car that got wrote off) :thumb:

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