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Five towns in our picturesque county of Hampshire have been nominated for the title of worst town in Britain on a cyberspace magazine.


Website www.idler.co.uk has asked people to nominate the worst towns in Britain and the information is being compiled for a book of the top 50 worst towns which will be published in October.


Luckily Southampton does not feature on the scathing website.


But current front runners to win the title of the worst town in Britain are Hull and unsurprisingly, neighbouring Portsmouth.


This was one comment about Southampton's arch-rival: "The town during the day is the usual non-stop stream of half-dead pensioners, teenage mums and shell-suit bedecked amoebic life forms.


"On the architecture front, Portsmouth boasts many triumphs of the idiocy of the human spirit. The Tricorn, a shopping centre of sorts, comes in for special mention here,


being surely the ugliest concrete monstrosity on the face of the earth. Even the locals have been campaigning for years to have it torn down (although there are those who want it listed and preserved - this would only happen in Portsmouth)."


Another scathing comment on the website says that Portsmouth "is cursed with a syndrome that anyone who lives there for long enough will never succeed in life".


:roll: PMSL :D



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