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Fast cheap cars


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What fast, cheap cars are out there that you can do up to look reasonable smart?


So far al i've found is the Toyota Celica GT4 which is a 2.0 turbo, does 0-60 in 6 seconds flat and costs around 5 - 7 grand second hand!You can tune those GT4's up to like 3 seconds aswell!


Nice little one done up is this beast which has 300bhp and is for sale for 8 grand with 50k on the clock! If only i had 8k it would be mine!






Also those Vauxhal cerliba's are pretty fast and cheap! 2.5 v6 for around 4 grand second hand! They look shite though and are to big!


so.... any other fast cheap cars! fast as in 0-60 in under 7 seconds and what you can tune up, and cheap as in under 7 grand!

Edited by TEMPER
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7-grand, that's an expensive car at that price! you can get a pretty good brand new car for that kind of money (Fiesta, many Korean/Jap cars, and what have you)


Cheap to me is under £1000, saying that, my car cost me £650 and I struggled to get that much :)


Wish I had the cash enough to say £7k was cheap! I still think that £4.5-£5k is too expensive for a Focus, yet you're looking at older cars with higher price tags...


Must be nice to have money :)



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I know its not really cheap but i was looking at spending about 14k on a second hand car! Like the clio v6 or the cupra r! Not for another 18 months yet, but still! Thinking ahead! Then i saw this dvd with a toyota corola with a toyota celica engine in it, the GT4 one, doin 0-60 in just under 3 seconds! Which is stupid! I just want a rapid car which looks nice for as little money as possible and i dont think 8k is to bad!
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u can pick up heaps of skyline R33's for that and have alot left over, also 6k round here will buy u a supra 3.0. Second hand scoobys, evo's - come to think of it everythin !! but if u wanna 0-60 get a pulsar cause they fly

Yea pulsars are rapid, my mates got one with 280bhp! It's way to fast! Does it in aroudn 4 seconds! But they remind me to much of nova's! + i hate the back of them, they look shite from behind!


Another bad thing is, they'r group 20!

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you can always do things to change the rear of the pulsar though.


Must admit, i quite like them too, but then again, as you say, grp 20 insurance. And going fast in a straight line isn't something I get excited about. I find it's more fun being able to go round a corner twice as fast as every other car on the road. Certainly up here, where we have damn good roads for a nice challenging drive. Even Revs magazine said that when they came up to review a MK2 Golf GTi a couple of years ago. Most of the roads round here I can tackle staying at 70 all the way. Don't need to slow down for many corners now. Only time I slow down is to turn into a junction or when going into a 30 or 40 limit.. and for speed cameras of course.



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Then i saw this dvd with a toyota corola with a toyota celica engine in it, the GT4 one, doin 0-60 in just under 3 seconds! Which is stupid!

Yea thats all good BUT i bet you a hell of alot of money was put into it, anyone can drop a engine in any car and make it rapid, all it needs is money but as far as standard cars go deffo pulsar, dont look nice but if ure after speed .... my mate in the r33 raced one yesturday and he could only get past after 140mph and he has 340bhp to toy wiv !! so ...




p.s. Also Mr2 t are very quick to 130 - we beat a pair of saffy cossies lst year to 130, Dont think there quick on the 0-60 but from 60-130 they are and thats what counts

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Yea not bad scott, looks a bit big though! How could you change the rear of a pulsar though? Seriously! I mean wackin a different spoiler on it wouldn't do it any good coz its just the whole shape of it, it's manky lol! & group 20 is a killer! I'm after everything really, not just speed! & looking to spend about 10k max!


With that 10k i'm after it being at least 5 seconds, looks smart and is a half desent fanny magnet! + it not being to big (skylines etc)

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