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got a virus thingy and when i control + ALT + delete it says 'admin has disabled task manager' how can i re-enable it?








Have you still got the virus?


What ver of windows you got?


Have you tried to start the computer in safe mode as in xp it hides the admin account and so with safemode you can login as admin

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If its been more than a year since you installed windows/got the computer then reinstall windows and start again.


If not, as above - boot into safemode, run adaware, spybot & a virus checker and see if that finds anything.


Press F8 before the first XP screen whilst the PC is booting up to enter safe mode.

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as far as i am aware you cant disable task manager ? the virus must of messed up system services etc.


taskmgr is basically a .exe application




do as suggested above running scans from safemode etc.


if not, get ur WinXP CD out :thumb:

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