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Job Websites...


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What websites are there for finding a job, looking for a new part time job you see...


Been at my current place for 2 years and i Fcuking hate it, its shite and full of annoying people :roll:


I need to find a new job then i can tell them to shove it, but finding a new part time job is proving difficult, tried the Job centre website but it really is cack...


Any ideas ?



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fish4jobs not sure if they are any good for part-time jobs though :unsure:


monster again not entirely sure if they cater for specifically for part-time but these two I've used in the past.


Good luck anyway :thumb:


aren't these both rather managerial based??? more for the high power well paid jobs in big business rather than local jobs with normal companies and normal positions??


go INTO the job centre and into the high street, jobs won't fall at your feet, you have to go look for them :thumb:

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fish4jobs not sure if they are any good for part-time jobs though :unsure:


monster again not entirely sure if they cater for specifically for part-time but these two I've used in the past.


Good luck anyway :thumb:


aren't these both rather managerial based??? more for the high power well paid jobs in big business rather than local jobs with normal companies and normal positions??


go INTO the job centre and into the high street, jobs won't fall at your feet, you have to go look for them :thumb:


fish4jobs.co.uk are quite good I've used them wouldn't say they are just specifically managerial. But have not really used monster I would assume it's for more well paids jobs but I doubt very much if every job on that site is lol :)

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Cheers peeps will have a gander...


The only thing keeping me at my current place is the money, i have been there all day today,...i had to get up at 6:30 after only a couple of hours sleep which is annoying but it was worth it because i was getting £8 per hour.....Its just a shame i detest the place :roll:

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are you at college/uni then? cos maybe supermarket work might be good? or even currys/halfords or something?


Yeh im at college...


Currently work in a supermarket, i dont mind the actual work as its easy but i just get properly pissed off there now, i need a change

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