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motorcycle training


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as above.


i've wanted to get my bike license sinse i was a kid and i've finally decided to make the push and do it in the summer (if we ever get one that is!) only thing is i haven't got the first clue about how to start with it. i've never riden a motorbike myself so i am a complete beginer with it.


if anyone has any tips on it all then i'd be gratefull to hear them :thumb:

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it depends on ya age what test you can do


You gotta do a theory

you gotta do a CBT on a 125cc 1 Day course

then you can either do ya training on a 125cc or 500cc


If your under 21 you can only take a test on a 125cc and have a restricted licence for 3 years or untill you are 21

If your over 21 you can take your test on a 500cc and therefore ride any bike.


It is very easy especially if you can already drive a car and understand the clutch principles and have road awareness


I payed about £450 for a 5 day course which included CBT/Bike Hire/500cc Test


goodluck :thumb:

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cheers for that mate.


i'm 21. i've had different ppl telling me different stories regarding what i can take my test on and then ride once i have passed but none of them could actually ride so i think i'll ignore them :P


if i do like a 5 day course or something like that will i be able to do my theory in with that or will i have to get that before i do anything?

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I think if you book a 5 day course mate they will also book you in for a theory but i'd ring them and check this.

I passed my test in 1998 before the theory came in. I had a car licence already so i didn't have to take the theory.


My 5 day course was CBT on day one lessons on a 500cc on day 2/3/4 test on day 5 with some practice before hand. Then in the afternoon i picked up my brand new bike :D GSXR750




was knocked of it by some dumb bint 6 weeks later £4650 worth of damage. They fixed it cos it was still new 8)

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when i had my bike, you wouldnt believe how many accidents i saw and how many near misses i had, seen alot of riders die too and not cos they were riding stupidly :O


Too much traffic around now for these mental machines, good fun, glad i had one and it scared me alot of times. Not sure if i'd get another now. With the crap wheather we get 2 i only did 4000 miles in 2 years

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ok ok don't start putting me off already :P


it's just something i've wanted to do for years and now i'm finally in a position where i can afford to do it and at the moment i got no woman telling me not to or they'll leave me! so i'm thinking sod it i'm 21yrs old, life is too short to be worrying about "what if" i'll do the test and all that then if i don't like it thats that, once i've got my license i've got it :D


hmmm anyway enough rambling on from me!


i'm off to clean the car :D

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nah i know what u mean ross, i know a few ppl with bikes and everyone of them has had road rash at some point.


i think i just have a thing for 2 wheels, i've been into mountian biking for years now and that doesn't exactly tickle when u hit the deck. i guess there is a slight difference though betwen falling off at maybe 30mph (if ya lucky) on a mountain bike and falling off at 100+mph on a super bike kinda thing.


ho hum ho hum ;)

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I feel the need, THE NEED FOR SPEED!

Id give my left testicle for a big bike R6 or R1 ninja fireblade :) :) :) :)

my mother will disown me.... :curse:

soon soon 21 in july ...

whats the deal with parents disowning their kids just cos they want some fun on wheels?!


i'd say the way the world is at the moment i've got as much chance of walking out in town and getting stabbed to death as i have coming off a bike and doing serious damage. lifes a risk all the time!


saying all this though maybe if i'm ever a parent then i'll see the point :P

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