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annoying F'in squeeking noise


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before anyone starts pointing fingers this is a matter of cosmetics....audible cosmetics :pancake:


as some of you lot know my motors lowered to what some would describe as "fcuk me that must hurt when you run over a pea" height and I think this might be a contributing factor in the annoying problem Ive been getting of late.


Basically of late Ive been noting a noise coming from the boot area everytime my motor hits a sudden bump or pothole, its like a squeek, not a grind or groan by any means.


I went over possible mechanical reasons (tho tbh the sound isnt what you'd associate with mechanical) and came up blank, I then moved onto the less obvious, boot rubbers, parcel shelf retaining rods..etc...literally anything I could plausably identify as possibly causing the noise (its like the sound to rubber parts make when bounced and rubbed together). :unsure:


The absolute only possible way I can see of identifying atleast the general area the noise comes from is to hang over the back seat with my head in the boot while someone finds a bunch of potholes to bounce my motor through (not to keen on that idea obviously).


failing any solutions offered up on ere I left with only one real possibility and that the chance that due to the extra lowering the car is flexing enough at the arse end for the closed boot to be shifting fractions of a millimetre and causing the boot seal and rubbers to rub against the fixed closed positions. If thats the case Im wandering if a rear strut brace will reduce the problem.?

Edited by shawdreamer
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Is it the parcel shelf supports squeeking by chance? mine has an annoying problem where the parcel shelf pops out on a journey and drops down. Its ever since i put 6x9s in there. Another squeek issue could be if your spare wheel isnt secured down, the rubber of the tyre squeeking against the metal of the spare wheel well.
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Is it the parcel shelf supports squeeking by chance? mine has an annoying problem where the parcel shelf pops out on a journey and drops down. Its ever since i put 6x9s in there. Another squeek issue could be if your spare wheel isnt secured down, the rubber of the tyre squeeking against the metal of the spare wheel well.


:nutter: I forgot about the soddin spare wheel, infact it started happening around the time I lowered the car which coincidently was the sametime I swapped the spare eco out for a Si Alloy full size wheel.


Give that a try in the morning me thinks :cheers:

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