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Not sure if this should be in PC/Gaming section as it's about iTunes, but here goes.


Basically my old laptop died which had all my videos, songs, photos, etc. backed up through iTunes for my iPhone 4. It also used to connect my iPhone to it every week to backup all of my stuff (such as text messages, contacts, apps, etc.).


I have the videos and songs on an external hard drive, but not backed up the "iTunes" backup (where I believe the stuff like messages, contacts, etc. are stored?)


I now have a MacBook Pro with iTunes installed but I'm too scared to connect it to my iPhone because I'm not sure whether it's going to wipe all over the videos, songs and apps I have on my iPhone as surely it will want to "sync" with my new iTunes?


Any help would be appreciated!

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Ahh, the classic backwards sync fear, this does my head in with itunes.


Do not fear, its entirely possible and its especially easier when the itunes laptop/notebook/macbook has a virgin install of itunes on it.


When you first connect your phone to a blank itunes it usually doesnt prompt a sync, what ever it tries to do just cancel it. First thing I like to do is right click on the left where it says your iphone name and select 'transfer purchases'. This first step will then transfer everything you have purchased on your iphone to itunes, all APPs and all stuff bought through itunes, or free stuff through itunes etc, basically everything that has been obtained through the app store or itunes. Then right click your phone and select 'backup'. This will now take care of all your contacts, messages and all that bullsh1t.


Once both those steps have completed you can then setup syncing properly, it will all be switched off by default, music and apps will be unticked so tick them to enable sync then sync as you would normally.


The problem you are scared of usually occurs when someone takes their iphone and syncs it with a blank itunes which blanks their phone of apps and music, I dont think this is a problem for contacts etc because the first step of a sync usually is to back the phone up before it goes ahead and replaces whats on your phone with whats in itunes which if it itunes doesnt have your purchases transfered you end up with a blank iphone, kinda.

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