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Group B Rallying on BBC4, this Sunday, 1st April


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Shock horror, the BBC are actually putting something on about rallying. Thought it might be of interest to some:


21:00 on Sunday 1st April, Madness on Wheels, Rallying's Craziest Years.


"Duration: 1 hour


From the producer of Grand Prix: The Killer Years and the Grierson-nominated Deadliest Crash: The 1966 Le Mans Disaster.


In the 1980s rallying was more popular than Formula 1. 'Group B' machines had taken the world by storm. De-regulation opened the way for the most exciting cars ever to hit the motorsport scene. Nothing like it has ever happened since.

'This is the fastest rallying there has ever been' - Peter Foubister.


For four wild and crazy years manufacturers scrambled to build ever more powerful cars to be driven by fearless mavericks who could handle the extreme power. The sport was heading out of control and the unregulated mayhem ended abruptly in 1986 after a series of horrific tragedies. This is the story of when fans, ambition, politics and cars collided.


'The fans were crazy. As the cars sped by the spectators ran into the road!' - Ari Vatanen


'They were playing with their lives'.


'To go rallying is madness. This was refined madness' - John Davenport


Featuring world champaions Ari Vatanen, Walter Rohrl, Stig Blomqvist, plus Michel Mouton, Cesar Fiorio, Jean Todt and many many more"


Also repeated on the following dates:


2nd April, 01:10

3rd April, 20:00

4th April, 01:50


Also being released by Duke by the looks of it: http://www.dukevideo.com/Cars/DVD/Rallying...-Years-DVD.aspx


Would be nice if it got some decent viewing figures. Might show them that people are actually still interested in this sport that they refuse point-blank to cover these days!

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I thought it was ok.


A shame that the narrator was a bit clueless. It would have been better to have someone a bit more informed or involved. That said, they got some good interviews with some of the top names involved, with some frank views expressed.


That coupled with some good footage, I thought it was pretty decent. Perhaps they could have made a little more of the positives to come out of it, with improved safety and things, but that's life I guess.

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