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Need Advice.


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OK I had a letter today saying I jumped a set of lights. It was no suprise because I remember doing it and I also remember the camera flashing me at the time.


Now the speed limit these lights were in is a 50. I was doing 50, no more, no less. I had a truck behind me. The lights changed from green to amber when I was proberly about 50 foot away from em. So I started to slow down. Then they changed to red (too quickly imo for the speed limit). I couldn't have stopped in time I dont think, and the truck behind me I wasnt so sure about either. So I just went over.


I know I broke the law and should proberly just bite the bullet and drive like grandad for the next year (provided I didnt get done for speeding the other day *prays*). but. where would I stand attempting to argue this??


Any advice appreciated :thumb:




;( ;( ;( ;(

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Gives you the stopping distances. :thumb:


I don't know if it'd work but writing a letter to them appealing it may get you somewhere. Of course it's your word against theres you were close to the lights and they might argue back you should of been slowing down incase the lights changed anyway. Good luck.

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OK I had a letter today saying I jumped a set of lights. It was no suprise because I remember doing it and I also remember the camera flashing me at the time.


Now the speed limit these lights were in is a 50. I was doing 50, no more, no less. I had a truck behind me. The lights changed from green to amber when I was proberly about 50 foot away from em. So I started to slow down. Then they changed to red (too quickly imo for the speed limit). I couldn't have stopped in time I dont think, and the truck behind me I wasnt so sure about either. So I just went over.


I know I broke the law and should proberly just bite the bullet and drive like grandad for the next year (provided I didnt get done for speeding the other day *prays*). but. where would I stand attempting to argue this??


Any advice appreciated :thumb:




;( ;( ;( ;(

Wasn't it someone else using your number plate?


I thinking Jon had a probablem with this, im sure he can give you some pointers!

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you have no argument, you jumped them, you admit like a man :thumb: which is good...


take it mate. Trying to con the sysytem will result in far worse punishment should you get caught ;(

im not trying to con anyone. I really dont think I would have been able to stop safely in the given time and space. There was a bloody great jugernaught behind me. I was doing speed limit, lights changed from amber to red in a very short space of time and I really didnt have a choice. You still think I should say balls to it and take it?


What would that add to my insurance premium??

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Dont you get let off for your first offence?


I would argue if you really couldnt have stopped! Time how long the lights are from amber to red, say you began to slow down but the lorry behind was very close and beeping at you.


I would n't accept it like a man because the system is shite :P (if it really was an accident)

If i just drove through a red light from not paying attention i would accept the fine and points.

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