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Does any one know


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UNFCUKING BELIEVEABLE ! why is it always the people that drive some of the biggest sheds in the Evoclub that have the front to slate other peoples cars/prices/mods how many times is this gonna rear its ugly head before the so called organisers of the Evo club sort it once and for all 99% of the people i have met through Evo have been decent honest people then theres the 1% of jealous low lives that have FCUK all to say but say it to often, i'm just glad no one crashed my for sale thread when i had it on here cos i swear to god i woulda bided my time and when i saw them i woulda knocked them the fcuk out

Lee r take some advice if you ain't interested in making a purchase keep your mouth shut cos some one's gonna shut it for ya one day, if you are interested in making a purchase then make you insulting offers by pm not for all to see i hate to think about the amount of potential sales you and you insults must have scupperd especially when your not even interested in the item forsale just wanna ruin some ones chances of a good price, it always comes back to "pull the ladder up jack i,m alright" then when someone puts a fair comment on the site that lee r doesn't like he goes booing to to the Evo click and gets the post removed.

Two sets of rules don't work ! Don't seem to have this problem on the VVOC.

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oooh handbags!


TBH i wouldnt expect to come onto evo and sell an escort gti for well over the asking price, without some people making comment at the price


but to be honest if i was selling something and a forum member did make comment i wouldnt be happy as it would detract from the advert and kill any chance of getting a reasonable asking price

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Yeah i agree jon i've seen things for sale and have thourght that they have been overpriced but i don't and never will feel the urge to belittle the seller with a derogatory offer for every one to see, just courtesey i suppose altho the same people have been doing it for so long on Evo and getting away with it that they probably don't even realise that there doing it any more :(
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