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My T-Shirt

Mike C

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i remember saying i'd post a pic up of this when i could, but then forgot all about it


i mentioned it last summer at the time, and also in that p155-up thread about getting T-shirts made, but a few people laffed and said they wanted to see it, so thought i'd whack it up...........


this is the T-shirt i had made for the Download Festival last year, it's absolutely soaked in dirt, sweat, blood, mustard and fcuk knows what else, and it's all dried on, and the pics don't show it, but it's proper brown and all caked on, the collar is rank, lol, has lived in a bag under me bed ever since (last june) LOL! :baby:


me and a few mates had 'em made 'specially, thought it might get us on the pages of KERRANG! or summat, lol! :baby:





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on what, lol? :roll:


some people will know what i'm talking bout cos they asked me to show 'em, but i thought my explanation explains it for any1 who don't know, i wrote all that just so it didn't look random and i looked less weird, well kinda :roll:

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... it's absolutely soaked in dirt, sweat, blood, mustard and fcuk knows what else, and it's all dried on, and the pics don't show it, but it's proper brown and all caked on, the collar is rank...





Have you tried all new Powder Monkey? Guaranteed to get your whites spanking

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