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As topic says, white Escort spotted on the A2 (heading toward the Blackwall tunnel), with EscortEvo stickers in the rear off side window! Think you turned off just before the Kidbrooke interchange. Thats the 2nd time I've seen ya now! :D

sounds like ant ? ? ? ?


ant was that you ? ? ?

It must be Ant, cos i think he works in Dartford

I saw a white GTi with white rear clusters and everything colour coded white in the Bethnal Green area the other night.

Had no stickers but did look quite tasty as it sped past

that one aint a GTi though!!! ;) :)

yep it was me! :D


did'nt see u though ..


i will look out for ya.. what area u drive mostly?

  • Author

I was on my way home from work (I work in Dartford too), so I was in my *ahem* other car! lol


Dont drive the Orion on a daily basis, but when I do its usually Southend, and just started going Blackheath on a thursday nite.

blackheath good on thurs?


what u work as?

  • Author

Only been the once but it was ok, just a small meet up of the locals. You should come up one nite :) where abouts do you live?


I work in the offices above the Co-op in the town centre. Secretary to the Project Manager *yawn*


What bout you?

i wrk just down the road from there, in the Unwins Wine Merchants head office.. in the accounts dept.


i live just between bromley and lewisham, not far from blackheath

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