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anyone use em? whats the friggin point? id rather have a nice cup holder or just not have the groves at all...

If you do use them you leaving change on display, some little oick will break in and steal ya £2.45 in change for a mars bar and a lump of black.. and you get left without a window!

Ford designers must have been bored to add the slots

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anyone use em? whats the friggin point? id rather have a nice cup holder or just not have the groves at all...

If you do use them you leaving change on display, some little oick will break in and steal ya £2.45 in change for a mars bar and a lump of black.. and you get left without a window!

Ford designers must have been bored to add the slots

If you do use them you leaving change on display, some little oick will break in and steal ya £2.45 in change for a mars bar and a lump of black..



Not if you have Limo Black Windows


Not that i use the slots ;)

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Yep, they're a total waste, all that happens is that they fill with dust and crap :curse:


I filled mine with body filler, sanded it flat and then sprayed the whole lot in RS silver (same paint that's used to spray RS alloys). It's nearly an exact match for the gear knob and handbrake. Here's a pic....



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I kinda did a rush job on mine. You can take the gaiter off the plastic collar by undoing all the staples that hold it on. Fill the slots and leave it over night to let the filler harden.


I didn't and it shrank after I sanded it leaving slight depressions where the slots used to be. I'll redo them again at a later stage to get it right.


Then sand the filler flush and spray any colour of your choice. Stick it all back together and Robert's your mother's brother!!! :thumb:

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