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well where shall i start.................



i have no clue! haha! been to Caen before, was nice around there, and then been to paris, whicih is a lovely place, although didnt venture far, as was in disney land :)


one things for sure, french are stuck up there own arse! well the ones i seen lol

Edited by Simonez
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flying or driving?


I dont see the point in flying, its only roughly 230 miles to dover and a quick hop on the ferry to Calais. Usually go down the coast to Le Touquet (sp) nice little coastal town.


If you're flying, god help you.


France is a nice country, just spoilt by the french hahahaha

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I went to paris for a weekend last year...


M8 i know people diss paris all the time for being dirty etc etc but fcuk me.... what a city!!!


The sites to see are awsome and disneyland of course!!!;)


Getting around is easy and cheap, you can buy a ticket tht will get you on any buis or train for free..... there are so many stations and its so easy toplan around....


We stayed just outside of paris and the train statin was just accross the road.


We flew from luton on the friday and came back monday morning,.... £140 each! ;)

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I went to paris for a weekend last year...


M8 i know people diss paris all the time for being dirty etc etc but fcuk me.... what a city!!!


The sites to see are awsome and disneyland of course!!!;)


Getting around is easy and cheap, you can buy a ticket tht will get you on any buis or train for free..... there are so many stations and its so easy toplan around....


We stayed just outside of paris and the train statin was just accross the road.


We flew from luton on the friday and came back monday morning,.... £140 each! ;)


+1 I love france, and love the people there and the general atmoshere. It seems so much more laid back :)

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I went to paris for a weekend last year...


M8 i know people diss paris all the time for being dirty etc etc but fcuk me.... what a city!!!


The sites to see are awsome and disneyland of course!!!;)


Getting around is easy and cheap, you can buy a ticket tht will get you on any buis or train for free..... there are so many stations and its so easy toplan around....


We stayed just outside of paris and the train statin was just accross the road.


We flew from luton on the friday and came back monday morning,.... £140 each! ;)


+1 I love france, and love the people there and the general atmoshere. It seems so much more laid back :)


And the food!!!!Amazing!!!


I loved the random little deli counters, just walking allong the street and getting a wiff of fresh bake pastries and huge lumps of turkish delight...


Ahhhh iwanna go back!!! lol

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I went to paris for a weekend last year...


M8 i know people diss paris all the time for being dirty etc etc but fcuk me.... what a city!!!


The sites to see are awsome and disneyland of course!!!;)


Getting around is easy and cheap, you can buy a ticket tht will get you on any buis or train for free..... there are so many stations and its so easy toplan around....


We stayed just outside of paris and the train statin was just accross the road.


We flew from luton on the friday and came back monday morning,.... £140 each! ;)


+1 I love france, and love the people there and the general atmoshere. It seems so much more laid back :)


And the food!!!!Amazing!!!


I loved the random little deli counters, just walking allong the street and getting a wiff of fresh bake pastries and huge lumps of turkish delight...


Ahhhh iwanna go back!!! lol


lets move their and start escortevolution.fr ;) hahaha! BACK ON TOPIC!!!


Yeah, france is great, You'll love it. Best of luck fiding somewhere to stay. Any hotel will do.. Most ppl there speak enough english to get u booked in. To be sure, parle vous l'anglais? (par-lay / voo / Long-lay) = Do you speak english ;)

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Thats the hotelwe stayed at....


Its not the best hoteli have ever stayed at but your hardly there any way...


You can get a train directly there from CDG airport and the train station is literrally 2 minutes accross the road.


Its in a "proper french" part of paris, butchers with whole animals hanging in the window, deli counters, french market.... Its just amazing m8...


And look at the price.... from 68 euros a night... Book through a travel agent and its even cheaper ;)


Best part though... You can get a train from the hotel directto disneyworld... (maybe one changei think) takes bout 30 mins.... The train station is right by the entrance to disneyworld.... Out the station... ten steps and your at the entrance gate lol


Getting around is easy and cheap, you can buy a ticket tht will get you on any buis or train for free..... there are so many stations and its so easy toplan around....


an interesting definition of free...


HAHA you know what i mean...

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When I was an undergrad we had to go over to france for 6 weeks and we drove down, just to say if you do drive, don't bother with the motorways cos theyll cost ya, and theres usually a perfectly good N-road following alongside.


Lovely country to drive through, as said, its just a shame about some of the people. But then, we're hardly one to talk, are we?

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well where shall i start.................



i have no clue! haha! been to Caen before, was nice around there, and then been to paris, whicih is a lovely place, although didnt venture far, as was in disney land :)


one things for sure, french are stuck up there own arse! well the ones i seen lol


Caen is not great imo, although its been about 8 years since I was there. French are only up their arse when tourists dont make an effort with the language etc... altho some of the coutnry bumpkins dont like foreigners but that happens here!

Been loads of places in France and Provence and Brittany have been the best regions I have been to.. if you are driving Brittany is the closest by far! Rennes is good for food and shops. Closer to the ferries is Rouen... bit old and historic but good food and shops if I remember rightly.

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we drive to frane and we go for 24 hours only to shop we go to a place cald city europe in calais its a very big shopping center and it is lots of hotel in calais for £25 a nite



Thats exactly what i do. But sometimes go for maybe 2 days.


I usually stay at the Formula 1 hotel near the auchen supermarket then go to eastenders or one of those cash and carry booze wearhouses and fill the car.






Just fill the boot with booze. Job done!

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