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cracked windcreen

ST170 Dan

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i was out driving yesterday when lorry passed me going the opposite way. as it passed i heard a huge whack on my windscreen but couldnt see any cracks anywhere. i got to my mates house and had a look and found a collection of cracks in the bottom corner (about the size of a golf ball) - safe to say im pretty angry!!! its a new car to me, ive only had it 3 months!!


what id like to know is whats the liklihood it can be fixed? im guessing not. how much are new screens these days? id figure id ask on here first and vent any frustration here rather than the poor lass on the phone!! im gona ring autoglass later, unless theres any better companies to ring?


the most annoying thing is that if i need a new screen im powerless to do anything about it - im just gona have to buy 1 (not cheap either im guessing, just as i had enough money to buy my hd tv - typical!!). unfortunately im not fully comp, altho im gona check with my insurance company.


any info would be appreciated.

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just have a quick check on your insurance and see if you have a windscreen cover on it, if so you just pay the excess on it, which is about £75 iirc!


i work next to autoglass so always have them repair any chips i get when i get them as its free to repair on my insurance!!


i doubt if its loads of cracks that it will be repairable tbh!


good luck :thumb:



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Does your insurance expire before the MOT??



The best thing to do is find an Autoglass fitter (not an RAC windowscreens one) and pay him cash in hand. The guy that did the chip on my ST170, said he could do an escort for £90-100 cash in hand, I doubt a focus costs much more!

Edited by bluliz
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no it doesnt. is that for a whole new windscreen or repair the chip? how do you get them to do cash in hand?



well then can only repair chips up to 10mm, anything else and its a replacement.



Just ask them if they do out of hours work!!! They can buy the screen at cost and then charge £30 for fitting it. bargain!

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Dont use Autoglass, it will cost a small fortune. Get the yellow pages out and ring round companies like Plant glazers, my friend works for a company that specialises i n plant windows, but they do cars too, so im sure other plant glazing companies will do the same, and unless you have a heated screen, it shouldnt cost more than £130 really.
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£284 with autoglass :eek: thought it would be about that much....there goes the savings for my new tv :(


hopefully someone local from the yellow pages will be cheaper.



Dont use Autoglass, it will cost a small fortune. Get the yellow pages out and ring round companies like Plant glazers, my friend works for a company that specialises i n plant windows, but they do cars too, so im sure other plant glazing companies will do the same, and unless you have a heated screen, it shouldnt cost more than £130 really.


You were told, you should have used that time to ring a proper screen fitter.

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i never said i booked it, i merely enquired....for a laugh...ive done some ringing about now, got it down to the £150/£160 area, just need to figure out if my screen is heated tho, as theres some confusion over it.


look closely at the screen, the elements are very thin and look slightly grey, running vertically through the screen

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