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jack the car up, support it etc.......


put one hand on the bottom and one hand on the top of the wheel and try to rock it, any free play there and ur screwed, also spin the wheel and listen for a rumbling sound or a clicking.


also trying to move the wheel side to side will give u a idea if there is any play in the steering joints etc


hope that helps :thumb:

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jack the car up, support it etc.......


put one hand on the bottom and one hand on the top of the wheel and try to rock it, any free play there and ur screwed, also spin the wheel and listen for a rumbling sound or a clicking.


also trying to move the wheel side to side will give u a idea if there is any play in the steering joints etc


hope that helps :thumb:

brilliant mate :thumb:



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will their be much play if the bearings need replacin?


also just wonderin, what can happen if ya drive around on dodgy bearings?

u can have no play in it and they still need replacing, could be a rumble noise in them and they will need replacing for that.


driving around on dodgy bearings will eventually lead to you coming to a rather messy stop when the bearings colapse and the wheels lock up. thing is though a noisey bearing could last a few days it could last a few months, but at the end of the day if they do need doing then get them done cos it's only gonna get worse

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