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Ipad / 3G


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Now I realise there are two price brackets concerning ipads with and without 3G.

Now I always thought if you went for the 3G option you then also got tied to a service charge monthly for using the 3G (bit like a phone).

I was informed last week that if you do indeed opt for 3G Ipads you get the service without a monthly fee, is this correct?

Next question is that if this is so, what usage limit if any is on it?

Cheers for any clarification.

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Now I realise there are two price brackets concerning ipads with and without 3G.

Now I always thought if you went for the 3G option you then also got tied to a service charge monthly for using the 3G (bit like a phone).

I was informed last week that if you do indeed opt for 3G Ipads you get the service without a monthly fee, is this correct?

Next question is that if this is so, what usage limit if any is on it?

Cheers for any clarification.


When you buy an iPad you get given a micro sim with it, you choose which provider to go with.


Providers have special tarrifs set up for the iPad so you'll need to research before going to buy.


If I was going to go for a 3G ipa I would get one on contract, like a phone. When you calculate it after the cost of the iPad etc it works out you'll only be paying around £10 a month for data usage.


Personally, I go for the iPads without 3G (£100 less) and use te personal hotspot service on my iPhone, works out cheaper.

Edited by EscortNreg
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Cheers for that, I was being led to believe it was included (which I found far fetched hence my question).

Your telling me what I originaly thought in that you do have a monthly fee, cheers and yes would more than likely go with a wifi model myself and tether it.


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would more than likely go with a wifi model myself and tether it.


Exactly what Im planning on doing. Anyone had experience of tethering an iPad to an android mobile (Galaxt S2)? Can it be done over bluetooth? Seems daft to pay more for an iPad with 3/4G and then have to get a mobile contract on top, when I have a perfectly good smart phone with lots of data left over at the end of the month.


Reason I ask is I was enquiring at the Apple store about syncing an iPad and a Macbook Pro over bluetooth, and the assistant didnt seem to think it was possible without using iCloud over wifi, which is obviously no good if there is no wifi signal.

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I got the 1st iPad with 3G and don't regret it.


As already stated, it does not come with 3G and you have to subscribe to it using another company, i.e. O2, Three, Vodafone, etc. All the major networks provide this as a service.


The question you have to ask is how much will you use it out of the office home? The best deal I found was from Three, who offered 3G coverage for the iPad for £10 for 3 months. Which was great, because it wasn't expensive (around £3/month) and you were only tied into the 3 month period, as it was PAYG, sort of.


And the speed was excellent. Not the crap 3G you get on your iPhone, it was as quick as Wifi. I was shocked.


It depends if you want to have that option or not, personally I'm glad I have the 3G version.

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The personal hotspot/tethering with the iPhone is super quick! Saved our souls with all the hospital time last year! Lol


As for doing it with android, I'm not sure if it will work with Bluetooth but you will be able to get an app for it. Try mywi or something similar.


Or, if it's not available you could look for a 3 mobile broadband wifi thingy, they cost about £50 and you get payg mobile wifi.

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I love the iphone but really frustrates me in places.

I want to answer my iphone via my mac via bluetooth (basically using the macbook as a bluetooth headset)

Not possible, gutted lol.

Surely that's down to your Macs bluetooth adapter not acting as an Audio Gateway though?


I tether my Slate to my phone when I'm out if I don't have Wifi access, I don't see the point in paying for another Data contract.

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I love the iphone but really frustrates me in places.

I want to answer my iphone via my mac via bluetooth (basically using the macbook as a bluetooth headset)

Not possible, gutted lol.

Surely that's down to your Macs bluetooth adapter not acting as an Audio Gateway though?


I tether my Slate to my phone when I'm out if I don't have Wifi access, I don't see the point in paying for another Data contract.


Apparently its not possible stoo, how ridiculous, theyre both Apple???

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I love the iphone but really frustrates me in places.

I want to answer my iphone via my mac via bluetooth (basically using the macbook as a bluetooth headset)

Not possible, gutted lol.

Surely that's down to your Macs bluetooth adapter not acting as an Audio Gateway though?


I tether my Slate to my phone when I'm out if I don't have Wifi access, I don't see the point in paying for another Data contract.


Apparently its not possible stoo, how ridiculous, theyre both Apple???

Some Bluetooth adapters support it, some don't, When I started a CarPC many moons ago I had to search for a particular USB adapter that supported it, otherwise I wouldn't be able to use the system as a 'headset'

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